
frat rankings


end of the year rankings from a girl's point of view:

Phi Psi KA Theta Chi
Phi Delt Sig Pi Fiji
Sig Ep, Beta, Sig Nu
DTD, Pi Kapp, Pike
DU, Lambda, DeltaChi, Chi Psi
Delta Sig, Alpha Sig, Acacia

Posted By: sorority
Page 1 of 2

Woah... Since when is phi delt that high... Not at all

By: Guest
by: a   

sig pi is not ahead of phi delt after this year...sorry boys

By: a
by: Guest   

Hahahahah omg SigPi, SigEp, and Fiji are all above phi delt. Way above....

By: Guest

Phi Psi SAE Phi Tau
Sig Pi Theta Chi Phi Delt
Fiji KA Sig Ep

The Rest

By: Noooo
by: Guest   

Stop ranking kicked off frats. They're irrelevant, drinking clubs, and just make ya seem stuck in the past. Move on.

By: Guest
by: No   

Haha they are not irrelevant. What good fraternities aren't drinking clubs?

By: No
by: Guest   

You're dumb. Drinking in a frat doesn't make it a drinking club. They're not fraternities anymore because they have nothing that makes them one anymore. Not the initiation and campus recognition and all the regular socials with all sororities. They're literally a bunch of guys that hang together and drink... Nothing more. So I guess all guys are in fraternities

By: Guest
by: ^   

Haha no they pledge and get initiated and have their own socials, they just dont have to deal with ifc.

By: ^

SAE and PhiTau being off campus doesn't change the fact that they have the best parties and funnest guys. Its not like we like frats based on their greek week results... PhiPsi SAE and PhiTau are who girls want to hang out with.

By: mmm

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by: sorority   

That may be true, but they are basically social clubs now, not actual fraternities. I'm a freshman in a sorority and I haven't hung out with SAE or Phi Tau at all.

By: sorority
by: ^    

Just because they don't hang out with every sorority doesn't make them a social club...

By: ^
by: haha   

in response to "sorority"… you must be in a bad sorority then

By: haha
by: Guest   

Or you must be a bitter phi tau/SAE that's pissed their name is completely slipping because you're kicked off, and can only hang with 2 sororities. Sorry but there's 6 top tiers if you already forgot

By: Guest

move pi kapp down, they aren't above pike...wtf?! and switch DU and lambda.

By: wtf

I don't agree about switching DU and Lambda, but Pi Kapp should definitely be moved way down.

By: …

The top tier is phi psi, phi tau, sig pi, and ka. maybe theta chi. whoever keeps ranking phi delt and fiji that high stop trying so hard

By: stop
by: Guest   

No. Top tier is phi psi, sig Pi, KA, theta chi, Fiji. Then upper middle is SigEp and phi delt. Phi tau and SAE need to stop trying so hard to keep their image alive on this site. It's obvious.

By: Guest
by: false   

I disagree with both of you. The top tier is Phi Psi, Phi Tau, Sig Pi, and KA, in that order I believe.

By: false

Phi Tau to the top line and SAE to the second line. Add adphi and kappa sig to the line with delt and pike

By: Eh
by: Guest   

If phi tau and SAE are top tier then so is fuzzie. Hahahaha

By: Guest
by: no^   

phi tau and sae have had pledge classes every year... fuzzie is a better comparison to sig chi

By: no^

Where does tke go just wondering

By: Like idk
by: Ranks   

In my opinion, right before Delt. They're under the radar, but tke's last two pledge classes have been solid compared to their jr's and sr's.

By: Ranks

Really Sig Pi

5 posts in the last few days all listin you in top few tiers.

To make things worse you took FIGI up with you and moved down really strong houses like PIKE and Pi Kapp.

In your dreams man. This girl is going to drink with the real IFC houses.

By: Nice try WTF
by: lol what?   

pike and pi kapp?

By: lol what?

I agree with pretty much everything you said but pi kap? really? do they even have a house...

By: ^

Where would adphi fall?

By: Ok

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