
kappa gain some respect


it’s sad seeing kappas clearly trying to talk down on g phi, phi mu, and zeta because they’re insecure about how quickly they’re dropping.

Posted By: hikappa
Page 1 of 2

Kappa should be insecure after their last 2 pledge classes! Anyone with eyes would know that!!!!!!!

By: Red
by: Ugh    

Kappa is on here 24/7 trying to waste other strats? Why don’t they focus on their fallen numbers and struggling pc class?

By: Ugh
by: Yikes   

What happened to Kappa’s class? They are act so tacky and catty.

By: Yikes
by: Gosh    

Enough Kappa! You are plummeting faster than the speed of sound!

By: Gosh
by: Yez   

Kappa is their own worst enemy!

By: Yez
by: Enough   

Enough of Kappa’s attacking other sororities and acting without class and any dignity.

By: Enough
by: GreekGirl    

Heard at kappa didn’t make quota again this year and have to do informal. So sad for them.

By: GreekGirl
by: hmm   

anyone with eyes? so are you saying they didn't have the numbers or are you saying their PC is unattractive. if it's the second thing then you're a hypocrite (and superficial and cruel) for bashing somebody's negativity at the same time you're judging a bunch of young women purely based on their looks.

By: hmm
by: Best   

Id just pass on kappa!

By: Best

Seriously get some help girl

By: @hikappa
by: Wow    

Amen - Kappa gain some self respect and just stop

By: Wow
by: Lol   

Pretty sure this is meant for original posted let the downvotes begin.

By: Lol
by: Hahaha    

Golly gee thanks Kappa police! So glad you’re on here 24/7 to tell people how and when to vote. It’s just amazing that GR woukd have any real opinions without you, Hahaha!

By: Hahaha

Kappa Girl - you have to stop this! You are making things worse!

By: Truth

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Hilarious that you are slamming kappa for bashing other houses yet you have been bashing kappa all over this site lately. To get respect you have to give respect but I guess you missed that life lesson. You are one sad pathetic person.

By: Hypocrite
by: Lol   

Oooo kappa is all cranky today because they did so poorly with rush again this year! It’s ok kappa! Bottom tiers still have fun!

By: Lol
by: MUgirl   

Dear Kappa, you need help! You need a major reality check! You have a crew (there is no way one girl could do it by herself) on Greekrank 24 hrs a day posting fake and false posts! You cheat your votes consistently and slam others every chance you have! Oh then you decide it’s your job to stalk others and police their grammar and posts! STOP! It’s not productive for you all! It’s not helping Kappa at all!

By: MUgirl
by: Friend    

If you aren’t a kappa then you certainly aren’t helping them. Real Guy, Real Dude, Real Greek Community or Im not a kappa / but you post nasty things about other sororities and only upvote kappa- you have got to stop this pathetic tactic to sway public opinion about kappa because it is not helping kappa at all.

By: Friend

Wow look at all the upvotes. I’ll save you the trouble of making another post #hi kappa

By: Wow

Wow! Kappa has fallen.

By: OJ

geez kappa is not what it was a couple of years ago. it is fallen tremendously

By: nope

Bye Bye Kappa!

By: Hey
by: Bored   

Another day another kappa bashing. So original!

By: Bored
by: Yes    

Another kappa bashing???? Wait - you mean kappa is online posting nasty posts about top tiers

By: Yes

You talk about a kappa bringing others down and yet you are doing the exact same thing with this post, so why do you have a problem with it?

By: Huh
by: yuppp   

at first it just seemed like a double standard, but lately it looks a lot more like gaslighting, which is just psycho. every single negative post or up/down vote that somebody thinks is "wrong" automatically gets blamed on kappa or Chi-o.

By: yuppp

Why are kappa’s always online slamming other sororities?????
They have NOTHING else to do!!!!!!

By: Brick

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