
2013-2014 rankings


After watching the rankings and fraternities/sorortities over the past years and 2012 fall, these are the rankings for the 2013-2014 year as the seniors leave and new pledge classes settle in:

Upper Top Tier: Phi Psi, Delta Gamma
Top Tier: KA, Sig Pi, SAE, Phi Tau, Theta, Aphi, AXO
Lower Top Tier: Theta Chi, Phi Delt, Fiji, DZ, Pi Phi
Upper Middle Tier: Sig Nu, Beta, Sig Ep, Kappa, KD, Zeta
Middle Tier: DTD, Pike, Kappa SIg, Gphi, Chio, Phi Mu
Lower Middle Tier: DU, Adphi, Tke,Pi kapp, Fuzzy, Adpi
Lower Tier: Sammy, Chi Psi, Dchi, D Sig, Acacia, Lambda Chi, ZBT, DKE, AEHPI, AOPI, AGD

Phi Psi and DG are slightly better than the rest, however not much. SAE and Phi Tau still party with the hottest girls but fell a little due to getting kicked off, whereas others rose. AXO upper top, however they got a weak pledge class which made them fall a bit as well.

Posted By: MU Observer
Page 4 of 5

Top: Phi Psi, KA, Phi Tau
next top: Theta Chi, FIJI, Sig pi, SAE

By: Relevants:

^ Phi Tau self rank. The fact that you call theta chi, sigma pi, and fiji irrelevant clearly indicates that you are insecure about ur frat and dont have any friends in either. Or maybe its that your kicked off campus and are calling solid frats "irrelevant" because you think there is still hope for urs.

By: ha

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by: ha   

^clearly a sig pi, quit trolling douchebag

By: ha
by: No   

Obviously a Phi Tau. You're kicked off go away.

By: No

I'd like to know the nerds that actually go on this site and make these oh so prestigious rankings. For incoming freshmen who, god forbid, stumble across this site keep in mind that the kids who engage in these ranking disputes are likely themselves the biggest losers in their fraternity. "Rankings" are incredibly subjective and the standard that many people use is vastly different. The truth is there a big group of fraternities that are "good" and there's a bunch of sororities that are "good" and if you join one of these chapters you'll probably have a good time at Miami. Within each chapter there is going to be groups of really cool kids and inevitably some not so cool kids. (admittedly, some chapters have more than others) Unlike this site, Miami is no where near this segmented. If you are a cool person you will still meet/party/hook up/date hot, fun girls. So don't sweat it if you joined a frat that didn't make it into the three slots for top tier in some idiots online rankings.
And to whoever tells me I am a geed, get no play, and probably am in a bad fraternity, you're right, you're super witty, and you're just basically the man and owned me.

By: is this site real?
by: Truth   

While i agree this site is a joke, Miami's greek life is highly segmented as the "top" frats hang out with the "top" sororities and so on. Facts are facts

By: Truth
by: Honestly   

Ya relevant fraternities are nice if you're into the whole communications/education major route. That really grows the bank account after college when you can't find a job

By: Honestly
by: ^Ha   

Is this what Betas are telling themselves now to feel better about joining Beta?

By: ^Ha


By: ^

No matter what any of you say, we all know Phi Psi, phi tau, sig pi, theta chi, and KA are the best frats at miami. Not Fiji, not phi delt, and definitely not SAE

By: Who cares

A major tier shift is coming next semester from
what i have heard in terms of social schedules:

Top- 1. Sig Pi 2. Phi Delt 3. Sig Ep 4. Theta Chi
Upper- 1. Phi Tau 2. KA 3. Beta 4. Phi Psi
Middle- 1. Sig Nu 2. Fiji 3.Delt 4.Kappa Sig
Lower- 1. SAE 2. DU 3. Adphi 4. Pike

All the other houses are irrelevant geeds who wont be having any socials with good/any sororities

By: Truth
by: @Truth   

This is beyond laughable.

Sig Pi, Theta Chi, Sig Ep and PHI DELT over Phi Tau, KA, and Phi Psi?

Get a job.

By: @Truth
by: Woah   

Do less

By: Woah
by: Thank you   

Finally some truth on this site. As a girl in a top sorority I know for a fact Phi Delt, Sig Ep, and Theta Chi are really rising with their social schedules with multiple things with the big 6 sororities. Sig Pi has been in the top tier since this years seniors were pledges and will most likely be top house on campus. Phi Tau, KA and Phi Psi are too complacent and deserved to be knocked off their high horses. Beta rises now that their weirdos have graduated. Fiji also falls without their old house and SAE falls because they are the new Beta.

By: Thank you

you people are retarded, Phi psi, Ka sig pi phi tau and sae are the fraterrnities that everyone knows are the best

By: hahaha

defintiely a dtd self rank

By: truth

Theta Chi and Sig Pi have been top tiers for a little while but sig ep blows and so does phi delt. Phi Psi pledge class sucked but it takes multiple bad ones to become irrelevant. Phi Tau still kills it, and who knows about KA.

By: Definitely not

Top: DG, Theta, Pi Phi, Alpha Phi
Upper: AXO, DZ, Zeta

By: real
by: Frat   

Move alpha phi down, AXO up, and take zeta out

By: Frat

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