
2013-2014 rankings

by: MU Observer

After watching the rankings and fraternities/sorortities over the past years and 2012 fall, these are the rankings for the 2013-2014 year as the seniors leave and new pledge classes settle in:

Upper Top Tier: Phi Psi, Delta Gamma
Top Tier: KA, Sig Pi, SAE, Phi Tau, Theta, Aphi, AXO
Lower Top Tier: Theta Chi, Phi Delt, Fiji, DZ, Pi Phi
Upper Middle Tier: Sig Nu, Beta, Sig Ep, Kappa, KD, Zeta
Middle Tier: DTD, Pike, Kappa SIg, Gphi, Chio, Phi Mu
Lower Middle Tier: DU, Adphi, Tke,Pi kapp, Fuzzy, Adpi
Lower Tier: Sammy, Chi Psi, Dchi, D Sig, Acacia, Lambda Chi, ZBT, DKE, AEHPI, AOPI, AGD

Phi Psi and DG are slightly better than the rest, however not much. SAE and Phi Tau still party with the hottest girls but fell a little due to getting kicked off, whereas others rose. AXO upper top, however they got a weak pledge class which made them fall a bit as well.

Posted By: MU Observer
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#1  by: Get Real   

Phi Psi had the second weakest pledge class behind SAE in your entire top tier section. Stop self ranking Phi Psi you guys are done. Also SIg Nu blows

By: Get Real
#2  by: Terrible   

Sigma Nu, SAE, Beta, and Phi Delt all got awful pledge classes and are terrible now. I don't think anyone will know the real new tiers until the end of next semester. I would say the new top three (including kicked off frats) are KA, Phi Psi (falling) and Phi Tau. Unlike SAE, Phi Tau was able to stay consistent with their top status. SAEs class is embarassing. Beta and sigma nus were among worst on campus, and phi delts was horribly average but they did go to "hell and back". Good start but needs some tweaking

By: Terrible
by: ExactlyMay 11, 2013 3:20:47 PM

Spot on except Theta Chi is climbing up there too

By: Exactly
#3  by: ehhh   

close but no cigar... here's how it is:

1) Phi Psi, KA, Phi Tau ... Theta, DG, AXO, A Phi
2) Sig Pi, SAE, Theta Chi, Fiji ... DZ, Pi Phi, Zeta
3) Phi Delt, Beta, Sig Ep, ... Kappa, KD
4) Pike, SNU ... G Phi, Phi Mu

The rest are irrelevant

By: ehhh
#4  by: What   

Phi Psi got a terrible pledge class and the seniors were the only thing keeping them alive. Upper top tier is theta, DG, AXO, sigma pi, phi tau, and theta chi

By: What
#5  by: Current   

1. KA, Sig Pi, Phi Psi, Theta, AXO, DG
2. Theta Chi, Phi Delt, Phi Tau, Fiji, DZ, Pi Phi, Aphi
3. SAE, Sig Nu, Beta, Sig Ep, Kappa, Zeta
4. Pike, ADphi, Gphi, ChiO, Phi Mu, KD
5. DTD, Kappa Sig,Pi kapp, Fuzzy,
6. The rest

By: Current
#6  by: Good   

Take SAE Beta and Sigma Nu out of there. Those guys are all irrelevant now, it's no secret. Beta hangs out with phi mu and gamma phi and sigma nu is with fuzzie all the time. SAEs pledge class was one of the worst on campus. They're done after this class of seniors is gone

By: Good
#7  by: Correct   

This is correct. Good job with the rankings. Knock down APhi to be lower top tier. And Beta always hangs out with KD, not Phi Mu or Gamma Phi (which are different than KD.)

By: Correct
#8  by: Miami Observer   

Theta and AXO got TERRIBLE pledge classes. With pledge class rankings, DG AND DZ are on top for sororities

By: Miami Observer
#9  by: real   

I think this post is basically dead on. anyone who disagrees is probably upset that they were ranked lower than they thought they were

By: real
#10  by: MU    

switch phi psi with KA and sig pi and this post is dead on

By: MU
by: NoMay 12, 2013 1:03:51 PM

Wrong. Phi Psi and Sig Pi are the upper top tier, not KA. You could even throw theta chi in there

By: No

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