Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority Ratings at CCU

Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 315 3.79
  • Total Ratings: 315
  • Overall Average:75.8%


  • Sorority Name: Alpha Delta Pi - Information Page
  • School: Coastal Carolina University - CCU
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Chi, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon
    - Sororities:  Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Kappa
  •   Rate this Sorority


  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:69.4%
  • Popularity:78.2%
  • Classiness:75.2%
  • Involvement:78.2%
  • Social Life:72.6%
  • Sisterhood:74.8%
  • 315 Ratings
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 1.0 this is the "goody two shoes" "pick me" "teachers pet" sorority that will notify the professor they forgot to check the homework ..... all around annoying
By: pick mePosted:

this is the "goody two shoes" "pick me" "teachers pet" sorority that will notify the professor they forgot to check the homework ..... all around annoying

Associates with:
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity

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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 3.2 Friendly but for the most part fake and overly political, overly concerned with reputation. Nice but they need to learn to relax and have more fun. Also super catty with each other and other sororities. I would suggest exploring other options if they are available.
By: CcugreekPosted:

Friendly but for the most part fake and overly political, overly concerned with reputation. Nice but they need to learn to relax and have more fun. Also super catty with each other and other sororities. I would suggest exploring other options if they are available.

Associates with:
Kappa Sigma Fraternity

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 2.5 Ladies are very close with each other but no one else. Preaches pan love but really it’s just to make themselves look good. Had a sisterhood with them, they were nice, saw them the next day didn’t even get a hello. FAKE! Clearly they are the favorite from staff considering they keep winning when it is clear to literally everyone else they are not deserving. Also thanks for the big f u to everyone in mock rock, you sure mocked routines by copping them off YouTube. Y’all do well cus you know all the judges. But I’ll give it to you your sisterhood is tight even though there’s cliques, but girls will be girls. And your sisters are very well involved individuals, but reminder that doesn’t make your chapter well involved! Keep kissing ass adpi we wouldn’t expect anything less!
By: Chants up Posted:

Ladies are very close with each other but no one else. Preaches pan love but really it’s just to make themselves look good. Had a sisterhood with them, they were nice, saw them the next day didn’t even get a hello. FAKE! Clearly they are the favorite from staff considering they keep winning when it is clear to literally everyone else they are not deserving. Also thanks for the big f u to everyone in mock rock, you sure mocked routines by copping them off YouTube. Y’all do well cus you know all the judges. But I’ll give it to you your sisterhood is tight even though there’s cliques, but girls will be girls. And your sisters are very well involved individuals, but reminder that doesn’t make your chapter well involved! Keep kissing ass adpi we wouldn’t expect anything less!

Associates with:
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 5.0 Best chapter on campus!!
By: AdpiPosted:

Best chapter on campus!!

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 1.0 should not have placed at mock rock. y’all blowing the judges again?
By: boo Posted:

should not have placed at mock rock. y’all blowing the judges again?

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 2.0 Self rank much??????
By: ..... self rank?Posted:

Self rank much??????

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 5.0 I know a few adpis and they are the sweetest girls
By: PhillyPosted:

I know a few adpis and they are the sweetest girls

Associates with:
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 1.0 Fake group of girls
By: KklollPosted:

Fake group of girls

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 2.5 Can’t say much about knowing this sorority internally they seem close, but by far some of the most unfriendly plain out mean girls I encountered at ccu ):
By: uhPosted:

Can’t say much about knowing this sorority internally they seem close, but by far some of the most unfriendly plain out mean girls I encountered at ccu ):

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ Sorority at Coastal Carolina University - CCU 4.9 Amazing people to be around who truly lift you up and love you for who you are. This sisterhood is super tight and is always doing something to support Ronald McDonald House!
By: ADPIPosted:

Amazing people to be around who truly lift you up and love you for who you are. This sisterhood is super tight and is always doing something to support Ronald McDonald House!

Associates with:
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

  • Reputation: PRO USERS ONLY
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