
Sorority expansion


Did anyone attend both A-O-Pi and Phi Mu's presentations? Which Org do you think will work out best?

Posted By: Wants to know
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Phi Mu. no question.

By: no doubt

Phi Mu. They’re a lot stronger nationally and especially in the South. They have the name recognition and reputation to appeal to PNMs who want that clout, and with so many strong chapters in the region, they will have lots of help getting off the ground. Part of the reason for adding more chapters is that we want more PNMs to be happy with the bid they get, or to accept a bid instead of dropping. I think we are more likely to achieve that with Phi Mu.

AOPi has great qualities too, but I don’t think it’s a good fit for Clemson.

By: Tiger

Who actually attended the presentations? What did you think?

By: Inquiring
by: pen26   

Love to both AOPi and PhiMU. AOPi had a much more polished presentation than PhiMu. But I personally don’t know how much that counts or how the votes are weighed (board vs current members.) Regardless, I hope whichever sorority is chosen, it will be welcomed warmly. We need to support our fellow sisters! I hope girls who rush /re-rush / join the new colony, find a home, whether it’s for 2 or 4 years.

By: pen26

Phi Mu's from other chapters and their national have entered greekrank. Bad look girls.

By: Whoa

AOPI was chosen. NOT Phi Mu

By: Sorry
by: great   

fantastic now we get the TKE of sororities.

By: great
by: ^   

To the frat boy who posted this, you are not "we" and the real 'we' did not ask you.

By: ^
by: haha   

it's pretty obvious just like TKE they'll put a chapter at every school no matter how small or insignificant.

By: haha
by: ^   

There will not be a small or insignificant sorority chapter at Clemson. Your frat mindset does not apply and is not the standard.

By: ^
by: no cap   

So can we mention DG? they are the newest and really have struggled. They are half the size everyone else and they are bottom in grades. Let's just be honest with ourselves we've got 11 solid chapters and 2 (including GPB) that struggle. Those are 2 really strong nationals as well.

let's add AOPi has a national rep for setting up colonies and not supporting them properly.

we have to fix the problems with recruitment not add another sorority acting like that will address the issue.

good luck to everyone involved!

By: no cap
by: problems?   

So exactly what are the problems with recruitment and what's the fix?

By: problems?
by: no cap   

so if we identify the problems: less than 80% of pnms receive bids and acceptance rate of bids was less than 80% as well. in most comparable schools both those are over 90%.

there are a few things happening but instead a strong Panhel we have set up a system where 3-4 groups are extremely 'desirable', 4-5 are 'acceptable' to most pmns and 3 or more are 'undesirable'. these words are from a panhel survey of pnms not mine.

I was in favor of a proposal that would lower quota by a percentage each year to reduce the size of each chapter from 370 average to the 280-300 range. this is more inline with similar schools. do this while we at 3-4 more chapters (Phi Mu, Theta, AGD, etc.) The result should be a more even spread of girls across all the chapters and smoothing out of the desirability problem.

By: no cap
by: problems?   

Panhellenic has to work within NPC rules and reducing quota across the board each year is not an NPC option.

However, there is an NPC method called 'Variable Quota', which restricts quota for highly desirable houses, allows a slightly higher quota for the middle ones, and gives the highest quota for the struggling chapters. The target quotas are reflected in the RFM numbers for each round. This has been implemented successfully at Ole Miss, Miss State, and other schools when there have been wide discrepancies in chapter memberships and when they were trying to bring on more chapters and help them establish. It usually takes two or three recruitment cycles to get the memberships balanced and then it goes back to regular quota. There is a lot of bi+ching from the alum mammas from certain chapters who have legacies going through but it works.

By: problems?

this is pretty much what has been discussed by CPA over the past year but it was very quickly killed by some of the chapters. oddly enough the 'desirable' sororities were not against it was the next group down that fought so hard to kill it. feels like they would be the biggest beneficiaries.

By: no cap

I don't know of any school where AOPi is considered a top or desirable house. And they don't have the national name recognition, alumni network, or support to give them a boost with PNMs when the chapter itself isn't desirable. Selecting them over Phi Mu was a huge mistake. This is a big reason Gamma Phi Beta has struggled as well.

Continuing to add houses that struggle because PNMs don't want to join them isn't going to solve the recruitment issues at Clemson. Instead of adding new houses, they need to look at WHY the chapters that struggle are struggling and invest in improving those already existing chapters. We don't need to be adding new chapters, especially ones with low national name recognition and engagement, when we already have 4-5 a year that struggle to make or even approach quota.

By: no
by: yes   

I couldn't agree more.

By: yes

You can’t make good girls want to join sororities that have a bad reputation. It’s human nature that there is always going to be bottom groups no amount of quota changing will fix that. Maybe if the members in the top houses stopped disparaging the lower houses that could be a start

By: Truth

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by: yes   

yes, but the disparity between sororities can be a lot less with a smaller average house size and then we won't lose so many girls during rush and can easily add 2 more groups. National average is a 90% bid rate we're at 70%. that's terrible.

By: yes

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