
sorority vibes/reputation


what are the vibes of all the srats? going thru recruitment in the fall

Posted By: curious
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adpi typically has a good mix of girls, some are known to be judgy and super religious but it’s the south lol. zta also has great girls but sometimes gets a bad rep w their pc’s (girls known for partying and sa). pm and axid are pretty similar vibes, down to earth but have fun, j normally not ranked as high as zta/adpi. aphi has a lot of super fun and sweet girls but similar to zta w bad reps bc of a few girls in their pc’s. axo/agd are pretty similar w their vibes, lowkey keep to themselves but still have some fun sweet girls. kat is normally regarded as “bottom”, but j bc they’re the newest srat and don’t normally get the biggest say in who they recruit bc they’re still building up numbers. all srats have rly pretty and fun girls and have a place for any pnms looking to get involved and rush. it rly is true that you get out what you put in! make sure ur happy w the ppl around u at pref and feel comfortable w whatever house u choose.

By: honest

Everybody loves Phi Mu, AXO and AXiD. Cute, sweet, fun. Alpha Gam is underated. Theta new but coming along. None of these are problematic and have a good, positive campus rep and get along with others and have tight sisterhoods.

ADPi does judge and think they are better than, which is offputting, especially to any frat that isn't KA. Lots of eyerolling when ADPi shows up.

Zeta and Aphi both have same vibe and bad rep for behavior and attitude. Want to be considered the 'hot' ones and will make sure everyone hears about it. They will show up to drink a frat's bar dry and then move on to the next house. Most problematic of the srats.

By: truth
by: pan love   

this is the one

By: pan love
by: brat   

aphi and zeta are so brat💚 luvs it

By: brat

Correct info

By: Correct

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