
formal rush guide (guys)

by: Yep

Alright boys, with formal rush just around the corner thought I’d wade through all the BS on this site and tell you what you should do to have a great experience at Tech and make sure you join the organization that’s right for you.

Rankings are petty. There’s fifteen or so fraternities here at Tech that all throw good parties, have mixers with sororities, date nights, formals the whole deal. Not to mention the most important part of joining a fraternity is the brothers. Parties are great and all, but for every hour you spend partying you’re going to spend 10 hours chilling with your bros. Make sure you like them, don’t rush for the wrong reason, don’t put up a facade. Find the guys that you’ll fit in with and you’ll have a great time.

Sig ep

All these fraternities throw parties, chill with sororities and will be great socially. If these things are important to you, What i would recommend doing is getting a list of ten or so fraternities from that list that you’d be interested in, and first day of rush spend 30 or so minutes at each house. Just long enough to get a feel for the brothers. Narrow that list down to five for the next day, and three or two for the day after that. By then you should have a good feel for those houses, if you like the guys and they like you, take your bid and enjoy Greek life.

If you don’t really care that much about parties and just want some guys to game with, to study with, to chill with or whatever well good news, there’s a place for you too. We’ve got 30 freaking fraternities on campus. One of them is right for you.

As for rush itself. It’s speed dating for guys, as it’s commonly coined. Get used to answering the same few questions a million times. Don’t be someone you aren’t. If you’re acting like some wannabe frat star well see right through it and you’ll probably be balled. We don’t want a bunch of TFM losers, we want guys we can chill with. If you have interests and hobbies bring them up. We want to know what makes you you. Don’t just ask about parties. Yes we throw parties idiot. Even at tech we rage harder than you and your friends ever dreamed of in high school. If you keep asking it’ll seem like all you’re in it for is the parties, and you’ll probably be balled. Don’t talk about controversial stuff (religion, politics) and dont show up drunk to rush. If you give a good impression, odds are next time you come back they’ll start introducing you to more guys. Get to know as many guys as you can to get a good baseline and see if they’re the type of people you’d want to call you’re brothers.

Also, don’t take blackballs too personally. It can be disheartening to get rejected from a fraternity you had your eyes on, but understand that all a blackball means is it’s not gonna be a good fit. If you’re really into league of legends and magick the gathering, odds are you wouldn’t enjoy pledging a fraternity that’s really into watching football and playing soccer. But you would have an amazing time pledging a fraternity with guys who enjoy those games.

Tech’s a great school and going Greek makes it a million times better IMO. Make sure you make the right decision and have fun

Posted By: Yep
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