
Work Week Reels


It is painful to watch some of the work week reels. Where is the planning and effort? Totally get why posting only as a story. Do better FGCU.

Posted By: nat
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& you’re the one posting on here hating. Get a life

By: XZzo
by: weseeit   

PhiMu was decent, but the other groups look like they are not even trying. Anyone would be able to see that and say the same thing as the initial poster.

By: weseeit
by: syd   

If you're going to show up to work week without planning then why post? It's a poor reflection on you're group. It's not about hating. Would you put that kind of effort into your internship or job?

By: syd
by: Give me a break   

Or maybe the ones not doing dazzling social media videos place priority on more substantial stuff then a superficial show. What a snotty comment you posted.

By: Give me a break

Or maybe the ones not doing dazzling social media videos place priority on more substantial stuff then a superficial show. What a snotty comment you posted.

By: Give me a break

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by: gmab   

Find this funny. I think OP is saying either put the work in and make a solid video or don't do one at all. I think you know how powerful social media is, but go work on your substantial stuff.

By: gmab
by: eagle   

Opinions are allowed on GR

By: eagle

🙄why bother? Because they are having fun and enjoying themselves and have nothing to prove to anyone. The shallowness of these comments is mind boggling.

By: Gimme me a break
by: GR   

Why Bother? You represent a national organization and it reflects poorly on that organization and your individual chapter. Not to mention it makes FGCU GL look like a joke. I think that is reason enough.

By: GR

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