
Recruitment Scoop

by: Pnm

Meant to post yesterday, but too tired. Heard rho gams in the thick of gossip drama. Guess they didn't see me. One pnm was dropped by nearly all groups and they couldn't believe it. They kept talking about her and saying she has it all going for her. One said it has to be jealousy. The other was speechless. They kept going back and forth. One said she could have been in any of the groups even the top. One rho gam looked extremely disappointed and was without words. She was like what do you say to someone like that? Especially when you know there is not an honest reason. They said you can't even tell her she might be picked up later because she was dropped immediately. There was more of a rant, but you get the point.

Posted By: Pnm
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#11  by: kells   

The drops have begun as reality sets in.

By: kells
#12  by: vipoff   

I am an active and this post is for the pnm that got dropped right away or any pnm that faced rough cuts. Maybe this will make you feel better.

~ many of my sisters made excuses to not attend parts of work week before recruitment
~ recruitment is not fair across the board and I could spend an hour writing reasons why. Need I say more?
~ there is not sisterly love or even friendship across all members. There are separate friend groups for sure.
~ membership won't change your life at FGCU. It just opens up a quick way to meet many new people the first few weeks of the semester.
~ it does get kind of old following rules while others break them. You need to keep a positive attitude.
~ it is easy to see why so many people drop because it isn't just unfair to pnms during recruitment, but after you are a member some of the same garbage continues. You just have to decide if you want to deal with it or move on.


By: vipoff
#13  by: ifsta   

Not to mention you have to want to post bikini shots so that your sorority can promote.

By: ifsta
by: joinerOct 5, 2023 12:06:55 PM

lmbo because you see more bikini shots than activities the groups partake in

By: joiner
by: joffOct 31, 2023 1:11:46 PM

ZTA has been doing bikini shots the last two weeks. Gotta get them in cuz no activities to promote. Show what you know!

By: joff
by: lmboNov 1, 2023 7:09:42 AM

and they selectively post the skin shots. They love hiding their thick girls!

By: lmbo
by: domMay 31, 2024 1:14:41 PM

It's push time and zta is back in their bikinis posing again. Isn't there another way you can promote your members and sorority?

By: dom
#14  by: ems   

Thinking about COB next semester and came on here to see what the talk is.

Saw this post and just wanted to add my neighbor went through recruitment. People she knew in several groups did not even speak up for her and gave her lame excuses after the fact. She is definitely attractive with great style, solid grades in a challenging major, and really a nice person. Can't explain that one. Major cliques going on and jealous people is my guess. Why wouldn't you want to add a great person that you know to your sorority?

By: ems
by: angeOct 12, 2023 12:27:59 PM

Is she heavy or a brunette?

By: ange
#15  by: livi   

Wake up people. Ur talking about 19-22 yo girls judging u as they put your magnified picture up for all members 2 see. Then, if ur lucky to make their list they give u a 15 min chance for membership during day 1. One or two members decide if they want u back. Really?????

By: livi
#16  by: nicky   

OP, if you ever read this you should know you are way better than what you were dealt. I hope by now you realize countless pnms that were picked over you were chosen for superficial reasons. Bet you were too intelligent for some of their pea brains.

By: nicky

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