
men's greek letter organizations


Kappa Sig, Phi Delt, SAE
Fiji, Delt
ATO, Pi Kapp
Sig Ep, Phi Chi
Beta, BYX

The top three have done nothing to distinguish themselves from each other.

KOT still get the pledge class it wants, with little interference from others.

Delt and Sig Ep have made improvements that deserve recognition.

Posted By: Public Opinion
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by: Yeah but...   

Anything can happen, but big changes will take longer.
SigEp and Pi Kapp are just not big in Texas, so they will have a harder time.
SigEp had UT and that's about it.

By: Yeah but...

I'm just curious, do y'all think sigep or pikapp will ever be a top house?

By: ATX girl

I honestly think Pi Kapp has a lot of potential this year to rise and take fijis party rep at Baylor...parties are gonna be crazy

By: Potential
by: Get real   

Pi Kapp between the time y'all spend on here and TFM when do you ever have the time to party.

Oh yeah that's right your parties are crap and will never be good, so who cares.

By: Get real
by: ^   

Not even a pi kapp. But ok, you're probably an expert about greek life here so ill take your word for it!

By: ^
by: No potential   

Yeah umm pikapp will not rise anytime soon.

By: No potential
by: Pi Kapp joke   

So you're not a Pi Kapp but you think their parties are going to be crazy. Haha I feel bad for you. Once your out of high school we'll talk.

By: Pi Kapp joke
by: Haha   

Honestly Pi Kapp could rise just from other houses taking 3 man pledge classes. As in just stay the same while other houses like Fiji and SAE decline.

By: Haha
by: wrong^   

^thats not gonna happen. Sure those groups arent as good as they used to be, but the have a name unlike pikapp. SAE will always be better than pikapp. Besides, ATO and delt are better than them

By: wrong^
by: ^   

completely agree. Pi Kapp is hardly good anywhere. Fiji Phi Delt SAE dominant the state, and Kappa Sig and Delt aren't far behind.

By: ^
by: Actually   

Pi Kapp is pretty strong throughout most of the South with the exception of Texas. Definitely true that Phi Delt, SAE, and Fiji generally dominate the state followed by Kappa Sig and Delt though.

By: Actually
by: Hmm   

Looks like pikapp is out of luck then.

By: Hmm
by: for real   

Delt is pretty bad here, almost as bad as sig ep. i would probably rank them the same as pi kapp

By: for real

Combine Fiji and KOT and it would be good

By: Fix upper tier

to bad Beta is top tier

By: ^
by: Troll Spot   

the troll is back

By: Troll Spot

Good ranking. Switch Pi Kapp and SAE around and it's perfect.

By: Truth

Lol at all these comments about Pi Kapp! Who cares!?!? They aren't that good. If we are being real, the ONLY fraternities that really matter are KOT and Kappa Sig. The ranks should look like this:
KOT, Kappa Sig
Fiji, Phi Delt
SAE, Delt, ATO, Phi Chi
Pi Kapp, Sig Ep
Beta, BYX, TKE
Fiota, Delta Sig

By: rofl
by: roflcopter   

you must be a KOT to think that these rankings are good lol. KOT doesnt have a national chapter and technically isnt a fraternity. SAE and Phi delt are top because they party the most, the next best was Fiji before they got suspended and then Kappa Sig. Then Delt, ATO, and Pi Kapp. Those are the only fraternities that drink/ party therefore are the only ones relevant.

By: roflcopter
by: Hahaha   

Alright thanks KOT, we'll take this into consideration when we have our next IFC meeting. Meanwhile starting working on building those cardboard shields you guys are so proud of each year.

By: Hahaha
by: Well   

Seems alright I guess, but PhiChi is not on the same level as SAE, Delt, or ATO. Well, actually maybe ATO. PhiDelt is better than KappaSig too

By: Well

OP should move Fiji up one and it would be perfect.

By: Baylor

op should move Fiji down one, while moving pikapp up one

by: this guy^   


By: this guy^

Pi Kapp isn't strong anywhere in the south, Georgia NO Alabama NO Ole Miss NO Florida NO the list goes on and on

It's the definition of a mid/low tier fraternity nationally if there is such a thing

By: The South says no
by: Haha   

Pi Kapp is strong at Bama, Georgia, South Carolina, etc. and one of the larger national fraternities with quite a lot of strong chapters. Way to do such a bad job at researching that you specifically named several schools they are good at. Pi Kapp is certainly not SAE or SX by any means, but it's far from a weak national fraternity. Just someone so desperate to prove their point that facts are irrelevant.

By: Haha
by: @The South   

Well basically the only thing you've proven is that you're too lazy to actually do any research. I checked the Greekrank pages for these schools you mentioned, and you're wrong on 50%. I'm thinking since you didn't even bother to vet your examples you have no wider knowledge about national Greek life in general. I guess if it makes you feel better to lie on a gossip site that's cool, but yeah talking out your ass sounds about right.

By: @The South
by: Haha   

Yeah cus Greek rank is a reputable source

By: Haha
by: @The South   

It's not overly reliable and yet here we all are. It gives some idea of the truth if you look at a couple of posts about the rankings, and honestly anyone on Greek rank posting on a discussion specifically about fraternity rankings and then talking about how Greek rank isn't reliable is a bit hypocritical. I mean unless we are to say that the reality at Baylor is that the actual top chapters at Baylor are TKE, Beta and Fiota and SAE, Phi Delt and Kappa Sig are just making all the rankings up.

By: @The South

Greek rank is not a reliable source for rankings anyways. Yall are both stupid, i feel like im watching the special olympics here.

By: @@The South

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