
top schools for greek life


Texas Tech-they make it on TFM weekly. They were ranked high and they have the most competitive rush.
Texas A&M- 32% of the guys and girls rush.
UT- ZBT was ranked as the countries #1 Fraterntity. This boosted the whole Greek system at UT.
Texas State- Although 4 fraternities just got the boot, 38% of students will join a fraternity or sorority
Baylor- Altough we have no houses. 12% will join a fraternity or sorority. Known for big philanthropy.

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This is unfortunately true. Baylor Greek life is kinda weak

By: Lol

Baylor Greek life is weak but.....I think some of your numbers are wrong.

32% of kids at A&M don't rush.......aggie has 58,000 kids. They don't even have 10% greek there much less 32%......if they did it would be the biggest greek school in America.

And Texas State and Texas State are state party schools.....so greek life is always gonna be a little more fun at schools like that.

By: Mac

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Also. you have to take into account this.

Baylor has a weak fraternity system.....small 65 man chapters taking 15+ pledges. And the school constantly kids chapters off. Also, no fraternity houses.

But Baylor has a very successful sorority system. Massive 250+ member chapters taking 60+ girl pledge classes. Nice chapter rooms and they never get kicked off. Baylor's sororities are as big as Alabama's are......and bama has one of the best greek systems in the USA.

By: Mac

Tech and Texas state are obviously bigger in Greek life. They party every night and they have houses. But A&M is not 32%

By: Baybay
by: True....   

TX Tech & TX State are the leading party schools in TX. UT-Austin is little more elite and the Greek houses there are massive and PC's are large to middle range. TX A&M is NOT 32%. It's more like 12% to 15%. Sororities do good there but fraternities seem to struggle, especially new/ re-colonized frats. Lamar, SFAU, SHSU & UH are not even in the same league as the schools mention above.

By: True....

Different universities have different types of Greek Life. I agree, party schools, like Tech and TX State, would have more Greeks. I also agree that Baylor has a strong sorority system, and competition is high. But, they are mostly all very strong. At Baylor, yes, we party. Still, academics come first for most of us, and, then, maybe parties next. :)

By: Different

Baylor has a decent Greek system

Great sorority life

Weak fraternity life

Overall decent system.

It could be a lot better


Reasons why IFC is weak
No houses
The top frat is not even IFC
Recent Frats just got in trouble.

By: Ya

newsflash: the percentage of students who participate does not really indicate that a school's greek life is good or bad.
Take UT, for instance:
A small % of kids are greek but the greeks have outsized influence at the school.
Greek life is truly exclusive to a small segment of students (makes it more elite than a Bama that places anyone who rushes).
The chapters are 100 years old.
The houses kick ass.
The frat dues themselves make it an elite system. Frat dues are crazy high because of the outlandish party builds.
Not to mention it's waay harder to get into UT to begin with.
So yeah, they kick ass all the way around, esp. over Baylor and it's super awesome sorority "rooms". (snicker)

By: uhhhh
by: Nope   

Bama is like one of the premier Greek schools in the country.. you have no clue what you are talking about.

By: Nope
by: Oh My   

They've got physical great houses at Alabama but that's it.

There is nothing prestigious about belonging to a Greek system where everyone gets a spot and it's a "dumb" school that no intelligent blue blood would ever stoop to apply to.

By: Oh My
by: Hehe   

Yeah. Really.

No self-respecting sharp rich kid would ever dream of applying to an Alabama type of school (or Baylor, TCU, or A&M for that matter).

Alabama Greek life is only prestigious in the eyes of regional or community college kids.

By: Hehe
by: Observant    

Why are UT, Bama, etc. fans on this site. It's really odd. Glad you are all hyped-up about your Greek system, but why comment here?

By: Observant

You can't base it off percentages like that. For example, A&M had a smaller percentage of Greek membership than us, but their Greek system is MUCH larger and stronger simply because they're a huge school.

UT is pretty much undeniably top for Greek life in Texas, and everyone knows it. Doesn't matter that it's only a small percentage of their student body. They control all the influence, have ridiculous amounts of money, throw huge parties, have massive houses, and have a long and respected history. People in their top chapters (think Fiji, SAE, Sig Ep or Pi Phi, Kappa, Theta who pay almost as much in dues as they do in tuition) are basically the state's social elite.

Texas A&M has a very large but very young Greek system that doesn't have the same history or money. But their top fraternities and sororities (think Fiji, KA, SAE, Sig Ep or Tri Delt, Kappa, Zeta) have a huge social presence, mostly have big houses, large memberships, and draw from wealthy areas. They're very strong, but they're dwarfed by the sheer size of the university and ridiculous amount of anti-Greek "A&M is the only organization you should belong to" school spirit they have.

Tech Greek life is really nothing more than a party scene. But it's a good one, and made better by the fact that when you live in Lubbock there's pretty much nothing to do unless you're Greek. They also have a very large portion of Greeks in their student body which makes it seem more prominent.

By: .
by: bevot    

yeah - I would say UT and SMU are tied - totally different due to school size, but bottom line is that the parties are expensive, its hard to get a bid, its highly competitive and they have houses that a large percentage of the chapter lives in. Without those things you can't be a top tier Greek school.

Baylor and purple baylor have to fix their house situation to compete. They'd be fine if they did that.

By: bevot

Tech rush is really not that competitive, from what I've heard. As long as you get Pi Phi, Kappa, Tri Delt, Zeta, Theta, or Chi O, you'll be fine.

By: Piper
by: ttu   

I go to Tech. Tech rush is pretty competitive but nothing unheard of especially in comparison to Texas, Bama, SMU, etc. As far as houses that you want to be in to be considered to be in a "top" house, are: Pi Phi, Kappa, Tri Delt and Zeta. Theta and Chi O are respected but definitely not top.

By: ttu

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