Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority Ratings at BU

Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 450 3.58
  • Total Ratings: 450
  • Overall Average:71.6%


  • Sorority Name: Zeta Tau Alpha - Information Page
  • School: Baylor University - BU
  • Associates with:
    - Fraternities:  Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Upsilon Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon
    - Sororities:  Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi
  •   Rate this Sorority


  • Reputation:Smart
  • Friendliness:64.2%
  • Popularity:75%
  • Classiness:60.8%
  • Involvement:71.6%
  • Social Life:82.8%
  • Sisterhood:70.4%
  • 450 Ratings
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 5.0 Love zeta girls, so much fun but also will tell you exactly how it is. Athletic, hot & smart, what more could you ask for?
By: alum foreva Posted:

Love zeta girls, so much fun but also will tell you exactly how it is. Athletic, hot & smart, what more could you ask for?

  • Reputation: Looks
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 2.7 I know some nice zetas but the rest are so fake. they have such a bad rep on campus. all i hear is how they sleep with so many guys. people call them zluts. i would not want to be involved with them and im so glad im not. they also dirty bid.
By: zluts Posted:

I know some nice zetas but the rest are so fake. they have such a bad rep on campus. all i hear is how they sleep with so many guys. people call them zluts. i would not want to be involved with them and im so glad im not. they also dirty bid.

  • Reputation: Social
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 1.0 If you’re reading this, just stop while you’re ahead. And if you believe anything you’ve read on this website…well then I feel bad for you and the next several years ahead. If you believe this stuff posted by other sororities about each other then you have turned to the dark side of recruitment. I wish you all the best & hope you can turn to your gamma chi for clarity rather than this website!
By: Sorority chickPosted:

If you’re reading this, just stop while you’re ahead. And if you believe anything you’ve read on this website…well then I feel bad for you and the next several years ahead. If you believe this stuff posted by other sororities about each other then you have turned to the dark side of recruitment. I wish you all the best & hope you can turn to your gamma chi for clarity rather than this website!

  • Reputation: Looks
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 5.0 The Zeta bashers here are making me laugh! The spewing of such hate and vitriol towards this sorority makes it so obvious Zeta is the ish at Baylor! Yes, Zeta’s rep is they have a LOT of beautiful girls. So what? These girls also are known to be super friendly, consistently rank high for their overall GPA, are very service oriented and involved on campus. Zeta’s value QUALITY over quantity. Hiding behind your keyboard, bashing and hating, makes every one of you cowards. Your cowardly behavior combined with your cruel intentions, show you are not only outwardly less than… You also lack the values and character required to be a Zeta.
By: Sucks2BUPosted:

The Zeta bashers here are making me laugh! The spewing of such hate and vitriol towards this sorority makes it so obvious Zeta is the ish at Baylor! Yes, Zeta’s rep is they have a LOT of beautiful girls. So what? These girls also are known to be super friendly, consistently rank high for their overall GPA, are very service oriented and involved on campus. Zeta’s value QUALITY over quantity. Hiding behind your keyboard, bashing and hating, makes every one of you cowards. Your cowardly behavior combined with your cruel intentions, show you are not only outwardly less than… You also lack the values and character required to be a Zeta.

  • Reputation: Looks
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 1.7 I already graduated so don’t mind saying this, but I knew a lot of Zetas who dropped Junior/senior year because this chapter has a lot of mean girls. The "sisters" are fake ngl. Obviously there’s good ones in there but still. Choose a chapter that will still choose you after bid day.
By: ehPosted:

I already graduated so don’t mind saying this, but I knew a lot of Zetas who dropped Junior/senior year because this chapter has a lot of mean girls. The "sisters" are fake ngl. Obviously there’s good ones in there but still. Choose a chapter that will still choose you after bid day.

  • Reputation: Social
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 1.7 These are the superficial girls you'll want to party with but not get too close to. They're loud and a lot of fun but don't expect them to be there for you when you need them. I'm thinking about dropping because I felt pressured last year to go out with them all the time when I really needed to study (premed). They didn't seem to understand, or care to understand, my priorities.
By: ztaPosted:

These are the superficial girls you'll want to party with but not get too close to. They're loud and a lot of fun but don't expect them to be there for you when you need them. I'm thinking about dropping because I felt pressured last year to go out with them all the time when I really needed to study (premed). They didn't seem to understand, or care to understand, my priorities.

  • Reputation: Social
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 4.7 Zetas cool. They’re really involved on campus and all the frats like them. Most girls I know rush them
By: JackPosted:

Zetas cool. They’re really involved on campus and all the frats like them. Most girls I know rush them

  • Reputation: Looks
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 1.0 Looks like Zeta requires their members to troll Greekrank (or at least one member anyway). Sadly for them this policy only has the reverse affect. It makes Zeta look insecure and desperate. Piece of advice, stop the self ranking and the simultaneous bad mouthing of the other sororities. Try being classy for a change.
By: classy not trashyPosted:

Looks like Zeta requires their members to troll Greekrank (or at least one member anyway). Sadly for them this policy only has the reverse affect. It makes Zeta look insecure and desperate. Piece of advice, stop the self ranking and the simultaneous bad mouthing of the other sororities. Try being classy for a change.

  • Reputation: Athletic
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 5.0 baylor has so many amazing chapters but zeta is known for being the most chill and most welcoming. zeta is very well liked on campus and everyone i know either rushed zeta or wants to rush zeta. they are pretty, sweet, outgoing, and very active on campus. they also are extremely passionate about raising money and awareness toward their philanthropy for breast cancer
By: randoPosted:

baylor has so many amazing chapters but zeta is known for being the most chill and most welcoming. zeta is very well liked on campus and everyone i know either rushed zeta or wants to rush zeta. they are pretty, sweet, outgoing, and very active on campus. they also are extremely passionate about raising money and awareness toward their philanthropy for breast cancer

  • Reputation: Looks
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Life:
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Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ Sorority at Baylor University - BU 1.0 Oh hey, Zeta! Maybe you should make it a little less obvious next time when you trash Kappa at 3 am. Your below love post to Zeta bearing the same timestamp gave you away. Better yet, how about you work at improving your own sorority without trying to bring down the ones you feel threatened by during the process? pretty pathetic of you
By: Hi ZetaPosted:

Oh hey, Zeta! Maybe you should make it a little less obvious next time when you trash Kappa at 3 am. Your below love post to Zeta bearing the same timestamp gave you away. Better yet, how about you work at improving your own sorority without trying to bring down the ones you feel threatened by during the process? pretty pathetic of you

  • Reputation: Athletic
  • Friendliness:
  • Popularity:
  • Classiness:
  • Involvement:
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