
do things change second semester?


okay this is a serious post and I realized GR is not the best place to post it but I was seriously wondering if social situations change whether or not you get into the sorority you want/get into a sorority/are an independent. the friends ive made first semester I dont seem to truly "vibe" with and idk I feel like I haven't met people that I see potential in becoming great friends. does second semester change friend wise? do most established "friend-groups" dissipate and will people branch out more? upperclassmen have told me it does but when I see their social medias and stuff it seems like their core friend group they were at least friendly with each other. I am really hoping the social situation changes a little bit and I meet a lot more people that ill seem to vibe with through a sorority, new classes, etc. but can someone give serious feedback if things do really change (it would be very appreciated). obviously it's funny to leave stupid comments but this is for real a serious post and I just want some genuine feedback. thank you!

Posted By: someone
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Either you have your friends group, second semester you become close with your sorority, or you’re out of luck. Welcome to duke, best of luck

By: X

a lot of people's new friend groups will form from frat/sorority & you'll meet ppl at mixers and stuff. i would at least give the sorority you end with a chance, even if it's not the one you want. out of ~30 in a pc there are ppl you will click with. pls don't worry tho first semester is by no means the last chance to meet people

By: sophomore

if your friends end up higher than you they will likely drop you.

say goodbye to your guy friends. you'll make new ones though, so it's fine.

if you're independent it's not doomsday. you will find a chill group too.

made some of my best friends sophomore year and later.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY. Second sem freshman year is when greek life has its biggest moment. It all dies down from there more and more each semester with the exception of o week and during rush.

By: junior

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if you join greek life then ur group changes. i f ur friends do then they will start hangong with theor groups and less with you or not at all.

otherwise the independents have their own groups , and it could be poassible t make new friends but easiest in greek life ogtherwise yes things are quite solid betwween friend groups by then, but its not impossible.

By: greg

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