
key 3 pays to remove posts

by: Wow

What did that post about key 3s go? It was just posted yesterday. They paid to remove it

Posted By: Wow
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#1  by: Yeah    

Something about them being too white. Of course they’d want that removed. Fake social justice warriors.

By: Yeah
#2  by: Not a student   

Hi. I don’t go to Duke but have many friends there and I find it comical that Duke students have to identify themselves as “ key 3” or have to set up a ranking system to show their “ perceived relevance.” That is wrong on so many levels....btw if you are important socially you don’t need a title to validate it. Grow up and stop playing the b.... y little girl games. And, lol to frat boys that actually validate this and only date girls that fall in this artificial ranking... lol good luck being stuck with a title that’s not necessarily prettier nicer wealthier or more successful than the mainstream population of Duke girls.

By: Not a student
by: OkMay 21, 2019 2:25:07 PM

Ok, “NotaStudent”

By: Ok
by: Not a studentMay 21, 2019 3:09:47 PM

Defensive I see I must have hit a nerve

By: Not a student
by: stopMay 21, 2019 8:54:12 PM

thanks Mirecourt

By: stop
#3  by: In recent news    

White people are the worst. I mean truly, they just are.

By: In recent news

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