
aphi vs. kappa


As many of you know, I visited campus for the annual Duke vs. North Carolina rivalry men's basketball game. And while here, I noticed one thing I found particularly interesting—I believe the APhi girls here are way hotter than the Kappa girls. Yes, I know APhi isn't technically Key 3, but please just bare with me here. To prove my point, I'll compare the top four girls in both APhi and Kappa.

APhi: HG, EI, OB, JP
Kappa: TU, AR, RM, AH

Ok, I'll admit TU is way hotter than HG. But from 2-4, APhi's got Kappa beat. Idk, just my opinion. Thoughts?

Posted By: Barack Obama
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APhi is made up of a many girls who did not want to be there....several sophomores who are now members cried over have APhi left. In addition there were many snap bids given to girls that got rejected from APhi and most sororities during normal rush and now they’re overcompensating to present themselves as being better than the independents...Lol to that ....they fully got rejected in fall rush and everyone knows it. Also there is great division and cliques amongst sororities.... as far as looks goes that’s subjective. If you really want to just consider looks, in my opinion many of the independent girls would rank higher than any of the ones you’ve mentioned above.... so word of advice, judge by person not sorority.

By: Fake news
by: Seriously?   

Your venom cant even allow you to ignore an obvious joke post? Give me a break.

By: Seriously?

Lmao you have way too much time my guy

By: Idk

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Who tf actually thinks like this

By: ?

Guys this is former president Barrack Obama... show a little a respect...

By: Yall some hoes
by: Idiot   

Its spelled Barack dipshít

By: Idiot

ok pike

By: obvious
by: huh   

why would pike post this lol. not even saying it’s not them but i just genuinely have no clue how this would benefit them

By: huh
by: true   

shut up pike

By: true

This is the most pathetic post on Greek rank

By: Lol

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