Duke University - DU Discussion

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spring rush 2020 forecast By: -   Last Post:

KA/ SNu ADPhi Pike ATO/ PiKapp SigEp AEPi/ DTD KSig Rest ...Read More

By: -   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 6:59:24 PM
unbiased rankings By: SmallMoist   Last Post:

Top Snu/KA/DSig/ADPhi Upper Middle Pike/PiKapp/ATO Middle DTD/SigEp/KSig Upper Lower AEPi/SigChi Lower SAE/Chi Psi Doesn't Really Exist DKE...Read More

By: SmallMoist   Last Post:

Started: Oct 28, 2019 9:27:01 PM
pike keeps posting to inflate their status By: Stanley   Last Post:

These rankings are clearly being made by pike. ...Read More

By: Stanley   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 6:39:07 PM
greek life dying By: anom   Last Post:

Is it just me or does greek life seem to...Read More

By: anom   Last Post:

Started: Jan 7, 2020 11:22:40 AM
####rankings#### By: Goddard   Last Post:

Tier 1: SNu/ KA Tier 2: ADPhi Pike Tier 3: PiKapp/ ATO Tier 4:...Read More

By: Goddard   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 2:00:44 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
bid day eve rankings By: Message Sent   Last Post:

KA/ SNu ADPhi/ Pike ATO/ (Wayne) PiKapp SigEp DTD/ KSig AEPi SigChi ChiPsi/ SAE...Read More

By: Message Sent   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 6:01:47 PM
adphi in trouble??? By: Adphi   Last Post:

I just got an email saying adphi is not allowed...Read More

By: Adphi   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 4:44:17 PM
how many bids will By: verynervous   Last Post:

sigep and ato actually give? anyone who really knows willing...Read More

By: verynervous   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 3:55:49 AM
last day lunch invites By: rip Dsig   Last Post:

i didn’t get any invites for lunch today from my...Read More

By: rip Dsig   Last Post:

Started: Jan 18, 2020 3:10:46 PM
post-dsig ranks By: Rip DSig   Last Post:

In memory of Delta Sigma Phi Snu/KA ADPhi Pike PiKapp/ATO SigEp/KSig DTD AEPi Sig Chi Chi Psi Irrelevant...Read More

By: Rip DSig   Last Post:

Started: Jan 17, 2020 3:56:40 PM
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