
is 2 or 3 houses normal to get back after round 1


i've been hearing a lot that girls will only get back 2 or 3 or maybe 4 houses after just one round. is this true? i'll be cut by that many houses that fast???

Posted By: rush
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Unfortunately, recruitment is brutal. They say the average number of houses a PNM gets back after round one is 5 or 6. Some get more back and some get less. When I rushed, I only got 4 houses back after the first round. I was obviously devastated because a few other girls in my rush group got back full schedules. Later on, I learned that lots of other pnms where in the exact same boat as me, even though it seemed like everyone else was getting back full schedules. The girls that get every house back are always going to be very loud and excited about it, and that can be really hurtful when you only got a couple houses back. it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and that plenty of other PNM‘s are going through the same thing as you.

In the end, I ended up joining my favorite chapter, so it all worked out. As long as you still have a sorority on your list that you’re excited about, then there is nothing to worry about. Don’t stress too much, and if it doesn’t work out this year, you can always rush again in the spring.

By: Sorority member

All it takes is one!


Trust the process and don’t drop out. For those who are saying you can always do spring — that’s terrible advice. You don’t know what total will be reset to and that determines how many spots will open up. And if even if there are spots - there’s a small chance spring rush will even happen and girls would just COB their best friends or real life sisters of girls in the chapter. So trust the process and don’t drop out of recrutiment in fall.

By: Trust the process
by: Trust the process    

Yes. Do not drop out of fall recrutiment. Spring is even harder not easier.

By: Trust the process
by: Yes   

Girls who think it will be easier in spring will be left with no options and not being in a sorority. Period. Trusting the process isn’t just something we say to be nice.

By: Yes
by: Rushed twice   

I understand what you’re trying to say, but I don’t agree. I rushed as a freshman, but didn’t find my home, so I dropped and rushed again as a sophomore.

When I rushed as a freshman, during my preference round, I was left with two sororities that I wasn’t in love with. I went into rush with a super open mind, and gave every sorority an equal chance. I didn’t care about rankings or anything like that, I just wanted to find a place where I felt at home. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel comfortable in the sororities that I was left with at the very end. During the preference ceremony, at each of the chapters that I was left with my freshman year, so many of the other pnm’s around me were so excited to be there, and I could tell that they felt a real connection with the women in that chapter. I didn’t feel any connection to the chapters that I prefed at, and I knew that I did not find my home, so I dropped. I didn’t want to take a spot away from one of the girls who was so excited to be at those chapters, and really felt like they had found their home.

For me, dropping out of recruitment, my freshman year was the best choice. Everyone always says to trust the process, but unfortunately, the process doesn’t always work. It’s important to know yourself and to trust your gut throughout recruitment. It is okay to drop if you feel like that’s the right choice for you. I knew that I didn’t want to run home to a sorority on the day that I was not absolutely in love with, so I didn’t.

I decided to go through recruitment again, my sophomore year, and I joined a chapter that I feel so at home at!! I absolutely love it, and I love all of the girls in my chapter. During my pref round at the sorority that I ended up joining, I felt that connection that I was missing during my freshman year. I was so excited to run home to my chapter on bid day, and even now, I’m so excited every time I get to walk through the doors of my sorority house.

As for spring COB, it’s definitely a great option for girls, who prefer a more laid-back recruitment experience, as long as you’re all right with not all of the chapters being involved. Two of my best friends during my freshman year did not rush in the fall, and did not have any friends in any sororities, but did spring COB and ended up joining two different amazing chapters. There are definitely some sororities that only give COB bids to friends of sisters, but they were plenty of chapters, who hold recruitment events in the spring, and are willing to extend bids to any girl who they feel would be a good fit in their chapter. Spring COB is definitely something to consider if fall recruitment doesn’t work out for you. 🫶🏻

By: Rushed twice
by: Depends    

It really does depend on what total is set to and we have no way of knowing that until way after recruitment is over. So spring would be a great option —- if there are spots. And that’s a big IF. I really wanted to be in tridelta at first and was cut. If I had dropped out and waited till spring - I would have been disappointed because they took like 2 girls because that’s how many spots they had open. I needed up going through fall and I can’t imagine myself in any other chapter but mine. Do what makes you feel comfortable but know the risks with each choice. :) I hope you find your home.

By: Depends

If total is reset to median chapter size then no one is recruiting in spring except the chapters with the lowest enrollment. If you like those chapters - that’s awesome for you — and if you don’t — well, that’s all you have to pick from. Depends on where you vibe. And lower enrollment doesn’t mean it’s a bad place to be. Could be from a lot of reasons. Could have a lot of girls study abroad, seniors doing an internship, girls moving back home for a semester, etc. So don’t let enrollment deter you. It doesn’t always mean a place is toxic.

By: Total

No that’s not normal. But it only takes one!!!!! My advice to you is to stop worrying about what’s not normal and what is.

By: No

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Yes that’s normal.

By: Normal

i only got 2 houses back after the first round and so did another girl in my gamma chi group. i was disappointed at first because everyone seemed to have a full schedule, but my gamma chi said 2-3 houses back is normal :)

By: juice_girl

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