
What house did you think was top

by: el oh el

I was inspired by the thread about pi phi not being considered top and it made me think about my rush experience. If you didn't see anything about rank on this site, which houses would you think were top? Just curious lol bc I was so surprised when I discovered this site and the ranks were not at all what I thought they would be hahah

Posted By: el oh el
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#1  by: Honestly   

It’s pretty impossible not know what houses are top even if you never saw this site. The top 3-5 houses are just very different than the others.
Take that how you will but they def are

By: Honestly
by: FactsJul 20, 2022 12:54:13 AM

Everyone knows zeta tri delt adpi KD theta and DG are the only sorority that matter because yes chi O and alpha phi are good but all frat guys would leave any girls in mid or bottom tier if they had a chance for a top sorority

By: Facts
by: NoJul 20, 2022 8:52:42 AM

Theta?! It’s Top 5 for a reason and Theta is not part of it. Nice self rank tho!

By: No
#2  by: wtf   

is anyone else just not seeing the replies on this thread or is my greekrank glitching... i have a feeling the top sororities didn't like the comments and paid to have them deleted but idk

By: wtf
by: Top tierJul 20, 2022 11:14:49 AM

Top Tier is constantly on this site because nobody would be making posts about who is top tier all the time. Again, this is a self-ranking site so the only ones posting and the ones ranking themselves “top”.

By: Top tier
by: LolJul 20, 2022 1:36:20 PM

If top tier girls are the ones posting why is this thread talking about pi phi?🙄

By: Lol
#3  by: Facts   

Pretty much every pnm knows about the general standing of each house simply because they talk and they can see with their own eyes. You’d have to be completely socially unaware not to figure it out.

By: Facts
#4  by: So sad   

Its sad that some of you believe that taking a chubby girl or an unattractive girl equals a poor sisterhood. As an upperclassmen, I have figured out the b.s. behind rush and I hope PNMs are reading this. You want to be in a certain house because you want it to be a reflection of you and you attach your self worth to it. Its not, oh I love the girls in this group or this philanthropy is close to my heart, its boys will think I'm pretty if I am standing next to this girl. Its such garbage. Also, the houses are getting out of control. Do we really want to be like the Bama girls in these ridiculous debt and terrified by Nationals in order to pay a mortgage? AGD was fine in their bubble until they built the new house and now its desperate to fill it. Are we letting image and keeping up with other chapters ruin the experience? I think so. My advice to PNMs, go where you think you will be happy....and the house is paid off. The last two houses that got kicked off were for home improvement debt, not numbers. Think about it.

By: So sad

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