
PNMs-Form Your Own Opinions


PNMs—form your own opinions!
Go to that COB event and check out the members, don’t form your opinions by bogus, self-serving rankings. And social media.
Everyone is looking out for their own house, of course they rank their house higher! They want to think they’re in the best/better house. The purpose of the posts are to keep the status quo. Bash a house that you perceive as lower than your house and it keeps your house’s spot in the sham rankings.
The truth is that every house has girls that you could be BFFs with.
Think you’re pretty, Instagram famous, popular, rich, a fashion queen? Every house has girls prettier, more followers, richer, and has a better closet than you. You are not too good for ANY house.
Don’t be a sheep. Don’t trust these bogus generalizations and rankings. Make up your own opinions. Find your people.

Posted By: Panhellenic ❤️
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You're right, but some houses do need to be called out for shady decisions and actions. I’m all for pan love but there’s also accountability needed for those who don’t practice what they preach. Ranking definitely get repetitive on here and some reviews can be rude, but there’s some truth to every statement. Some houses offer better experiences like with socials or events than others, and bring in more money for their philanthropy and have more active members, that’s just the way it is.


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by: Panhellenic ❤️    

If it’s not your house, then it’s not your business. Why call it out? You’re on the outside looking in. Make your house the best it can be. Your house doesn’t get better when you bash another house. It’s just mean. It’s just trying to keep a status quo.

By: Panhellenic ❤️
by: Panhellenic ❤️    

And better experiences/socials? What are you measuring that by? Maybe their members loved their events!
There are some “top tier” 🙄 houses that have had significant membership loses recently. Obviously a significant number of their members found their “top tier” experience lacking, but they stay right up there in bogus rankings.
PNMs should find where THEY belong. Don’t let anyone or any list tell you where you should WANT to belong.

By: Panhellenic ❤️

love this post, yes this site is for the most part not entirely accurate when it comes to srats. sorority girls don’t even agree with the opinions and rankings posted on this website lol, this site is for people not in greek life to spread rumors about girls who don’t really care anyway

By: yes
by: Panhellenic ❤️    

And PNMs need to understand that it’s all bogus.
The rankings are an attempt to sway PNMs from taking a good look at some chapters.
They’re an attempt to make some people feel better about their choices and the houses they joined.
Bashing another house doesn’t make your better, it makes you look insecure.

By: Panhellenic ❤️

PNMS! If you want to have a good social life and be respected on campus, go higher up in the rankings. If you don’t care about any of that stuff, then don’t. The truth is that better houses have better socials, better networking, better respect, and more worth than other ones, but that’s just life. Ultimately, if you end up happy wherever you end up, happy days!

by: Panhellenic ❤️    

Obviously you’re in a “top house” 🙄 with an amazing group of friends, have an amazing social life and love all your sisters. It must be great. Enjoy it.
What makes you think that people in the houses you look down on don’t also have that? Let everyone find their people and live their life.

By: Panhellenic ❤️

The ranks on here are not wrong. You can debate a few but in general they are pretty spot on

By: Well
by: Panhellenic ❤️    

And you’ll be competing with and working with women from your perceived top house to your perceived bottom house in internships, jobs, and careers. Everyone brings something to the table.

Don’t think what you have to offer makes you better than anyone else. Pretty is as pretty does. Do something besides bashing other women and putting them down. ✌️

By: Panhellenic ❤️
by: Grow up    

Or, instead of competing with the bottom feeders for scraps, they land the internship or job immediately through the superior connections of the top tier chapters. Stop acting like agd or sdt is even remotely comparable to zeta tri delt or kd lmfao

By: Grow up

Actually the ranks on here are pretty accurate. I would caution you that the ranks are only one component to consider in making your decision but anyone saying they are false is not being truthful or doesn’t like where their house appears. If you look through the site the rankings are pretty consistent

By: Truth
by: truth   

Honestly the ranks on this site are pretty truthful. You can argue slightly about the EXACT order ( which is ALL opinion) but the general ranks overall are the general consensus of the greek community. You can look through 100's of posts and they are generally similar. EXample, you'll see zta, ddd, adpi ect. almost always ranked in the "top",
theta, pi phi ect. mid and AGD bottom.

By: truth

To the alpha gam who’s raging about fairness and equality amongst the srats, stop fooling yourself and trying to fool others. All srats aren’t equal, that doesn’t exist in the real world. The bottom ones (like yourself) are bottom because they have the worst looking girls, bring in close to nothing in philanthropy, and have no social events with any fraternities or have any alumni connections at all. You want to focus on sisterhood? Go ahead and choose any srat, but if you want to have a fun time and actually be proud of your srat now and in the future, better yourself and choose wisely.

By: Psa to the alpha gam

The most important thing to take away is that you can be happy wherever you land if you want to be. If you feel you need to chase the top tiers go for it. The middle is where it's at. Prob less drama and more fun, and hell I know a lot of girls in the "perceived" lower tiers that are gorgeous and fun and will do great after college. Each sorority girl will move on bc this 4 years is just that: 4 years. So enjoy what you have and just know that girls in the lower houses are not sitting in their rooms right now saying, Gee, I am so worthless bc I am in a lower tier house. Move on for F's sake.

By: geez

Greek life and real isn’t this positive. Ik you’re trying to be positive and all and make it decently fair for the bottom houses, that’s great. But let’s be real. There are definitely disparities between the experiences at different houses. Tri delta can charge higher dues because of their ginormous house, and because of alumni support and well attended events and high philanthropy money raised. While let’s say a lower house, like alpha gam, doesn’t raise as much philanthropy money and doesn’t have as well as attended events but charges around the same amount in dues. See the difference? In Greek life, everyone’s business is everyone’s business, any drama or news gets spread like wildfire. There are differences between houses in philanthropy raised, level of involvement around campus, and stuff like that for a reason. People on here rank because of these differences, and to sway women away from the houses, or should I say house, that doesn’t offer up an experience that’s worth the money. Higher houses and lower houses have all lost members because who would want to rush when there’s barely a discount on dues and a pandemic? C’mon, I get the Panhellenic love but pnms need to know the differences between the houses and how they can get the best experience possible out of thousands of dollars.

By: Point blank.

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