
Saw an agd in literal tears over a gr post at strozie


“Don’t give Greekrank any thought” yeah OK buddy don’t cry about it in the middle of a mf library

Posted By: Lel
Page 1 of 1

They care so much about gr it’s hilarious but won’t listen to any of the reviews. There’s a reason why they’re in a tier of their own at the bottom.

By: bro

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No lie I saw the same chick, I was wondering what she was tripping ab but now I know lmfao

By: No way

$5 it was a freshie realizing that after they got initiated they’re stuck in the worst srat and no more do overs

By: bet
by: 💀💀   


By: 💀💀

Baaaaaaad look

By: Sheesh

Damn this isn’t gonna look to good for the newly initiated members

By: Dddd

Something tells me this is the beginning of the end for this srat

By: 🧐

This sorority is just a meme at this point

By: Lol

One dislike was an alpha gam

By: Salt

AGD could do two things that would cause the to jump up from where they are. First, get national to send in three or four transfers from really good chapters to attend FSU and guide the current members socially. Second, AGD should go recruit outside the PanHel system and open-bid women who are not in sororities and may have no interest in sororities, but they are quality women. I don't think any of the FSU women athletes are in sororities, and that is a missed opportunity.

By: they could rise quickly
by: $$   

I think it would cost the whole organization more money and effort to bring agd out of the ditch than anything else. They should just do their entire organization and this campus a favor and give up already lmfao.

By: $$
by: exmember    

they never will have the money for that, ever. I remember meetings where we discussed money issues and girls in my pledge class were saying that we need to do good with recruitment and bring in money and members or we’re done. They’re barely scraping by as it is, and how they responded to the KD situation and arent changing anything to improve their status won’t help.

By: exmember
by: Yikes   

Never seen ex members of a sorority hate their former sisterhood so passionately. Sad but rightly warranted.

By: Yikes
by: they could rise quickly   

It would cost NO money, and take very little effort if just a few women would form a recruitment team and go rush women who would love to come in and basically create a sorority around themselves, with a gorgeous house. I don't know but I'll bet that NONE of the women of the championship soccer team or the championship beach volleyball team are in sororities. AGD could add 40-50 members overnight, and, would continue to have access to a 'feeder' group that no other sorority has. There is NO REASON for them to wither and die just because they won't make an effort. Stop recruiting against AOPi and SDT and GFB. Go outside and bring in groups of women who are already associated with each other.

By: they could rise quickly
by: Delusional   

You really think that athletic and champion winning sports members with join alpha gam? Get in touch with reality before you make bold claims like that. There’s a reason why a lot of sports members aren’t in greek life and that’s because of their busy schedules. I highly doubt if any of them join greek life, they’d choose agd. It does take money too, they have to throw events and get girls to want to go to these events in order to recruit. Alpha gam always gets the last pick of girls due to the least amount of effort in recruiting, so there’s no way they would get a huge group.

By: Delusional

I'm actually embarrassed that grown women would make such demeaning comments. You may not like AGD or even respect them but what is the point in doing this? Humiliation, retaliation? Good God grow up! The amount of toxicity on this post is unwarranted and frankly makes panhel as whole look bad.

By: wrf
by: ❄️    


By: ❄️
by: Stfu   

If ex members who had their greeklife experience ruined by this “sorority” want to voice their complaints in full detail, they are allowed to do so.

By: Stfu
by: pls   

Everyone has a right to an opinion, and if the majority of opinions about a specific chapter are negative, then maybe they should look more closely at what’s being said. Who knows, this could have been posted by a woman, and Panhellenic women have been rude and catty towards each other for awhile now, just because you see a lot of these attitudes under this post doesn’t mean that they haven’t existed elsewhere. It’s a cruel world, and if members, current and ex, want to speak up about a chapter and their experiences, they have every right to, especially if it’s things that are unfair to everyone.

By: pls

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