
How is alpha gam still able to afford their house

by: How

This isn’t even a bash, it is a GENUINE question. Like I’m no joke wondering

Posted By: How
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#1  by: 300   

Don’t they gave 300 members like all the other sororities?

By: 300
by: noSep 24, 2021 12:19:53 AM

Idk where you got that number lmao, they barely have 150, if that. Way below the other houses.

By: no
by: Npc womanSep 24, 2021 10:59:23 AM

No NPC IHQ wants to see a chapter struggle on a large university like FSU. IF AGD is having all these problems witin their sisterhood, I can just see closure in the near future for them, unless their IHQ puts them on some kind of improvement porgram.

By: Npc woman
#2  by: Yikes   

I heard it’s closer to 120 ish. And apparently they’ve been losing sisters like crazy for obvious reasons.

By: Yikes
by: funnySep 24, 2021 10:45:55 AM

it’s insane me how they are constantly losing members but yet they don’t do anything to change it besides recruit, recruit, and recruit. They seem like they’re always loosing money, and their current members and exec don’t make up for it either.

By: funny
#3  by: Yes   

I say keep alpha gam funded, because that way we at least have all of their kind gathered in one place under one house so we know exactly who to steer clear from. It’s a necessary place for FSU greeklife.

By: Yes
#4  by: Truth...   

So obvious this is the problem member they kicked out

By: Truth...
by: tbh Sep 24, 2021 12:38:59 PM

They barely kick anyone out. I know members who partied and didn’t pay attention during polish week, skipped events, and would constantly say and do problematic things and are still apart of the chapter. They can’t afford to kick anyone out, they need to milk them for money. There are definitely rude and problematic girls in agd, just no one cares to notice because it’s agd. Keep commenting babe, we know you’re in agd and trying to make whatever reputation you guys have somewhat positive.

By: tbh
#5  by: Fact   

They have wealthy alumni and current sisters who’s parents are also very wealthy and cover the extras. Despite popular opinion there are women who want to be in that chapter for varies reasons and actually cares less being “top tier”. Top tier always think they cut women, no sweeties, you are cut a lot also. I personally know several ZTAs that ZTA wasn’t even in their top 5.

By: Fact
by: StopSep 24, 2021 8:05:08 PM

Can you hop off your high horse real quick? You’re an AGD. Nobody cares if you know a zeta who didn’t want to be in zeta, shes still a zeta and you’re still an alpha gam. Know your place, and stop trying to crawl out of the bottomless pit that your pitiful excuse for a sorority is in.

By: Stop
#6  by: SoFlaNole   

Alpha Gam has more members now than DeeGee had last spring. ☕️

By: SoFlaNole
by: hmSep 24, 2021 8:57:39 PM

and how many of those members will actually stay? Once they realize all those dues a semester isn’t worth a few shirts and lame events, they’re gone. At least DG can raise a good amount of money for their philanthropy and have a reputation. The only thing you have going for you is a decent looking house. Don’t even try to compare your chapter to DG, they can actually take who they want and deny people, that’s just insulting to those girls.

By: hm
by: W Park Avenue Sep 26, 2021 3:24:40 PM

Agd has more members than deegee and alpha phi had last fall/spring.

By: W Park Avenue
#7  by: 🙄   

We see you troll. Now go back under your bridge and quit trying to put houses against each other.

By: 🙄
#8  by: History   

I am not an AGD, but I preffed there and feel I need to defend them. A lot of people feel the need crap on AGD but I feel they are the ultimate survivors. So what if Rita C came back and donated money for the house. She lives in Tallahassee now and I am sure she visits the house. She was a rock star and also is multi racial which speaks volumes on AGD's progressiveness and values. Is the Spanx lady giving money to Tri Delt? Has Faye Dunway given money to PiPhi? Its the alums that come back after 20 years that speaks to the value of a sisterhood. When I mean they are the ultimate survivors, look at this:
Kappa Delta Kappa Alpha 1904
Chi Omega Gamma 1908
Alpha Delta Pi Iota 1909
Delta Delta Delta Alpha Eta 1916
Sigma Kappa Omega 1920-?/?-1999
Sigma Sigma Sigma Rho 1920-1935/1960-1990/1992-1998
Pi Beta Phi Florida Beta 1921
Delta Zeta Alpha Sigma 1924
Zeta Tau Alpha Beta Gamma 1924
Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Nu 1924
Alpha Gamma Delta Gamma Beta 1925
Theta Upsilon Lambda 1925-1939
Pi Kappa Sigma Upsilon 1925-1929
Delta Phi Epsilon Iota 1925-1950/1968-1971
Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Pi 1928-1939/1949-1980/2013
Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Omega 1929-1980
Alpha Chi Omega Beta Eta 1929
Phi Mu Alpha Epsilon 1929
Beta Phi Alpha Psi 1931-1941 National absorbed by Delta Zeta
Gamma Phi Beta Beta Mu 1950-?/1986
Delta Gamma Gamma Mu 1951
Alpha Phi Gamma Phi 1959-1972/2011
Kappa Kappa Gamma Epsilon Zeta 1961
Alpha Epsilon Phi Phi Delta 1976-1979
Sigma Delta Tau Gamma Lambda 1989-?/2004

Gamma Phi, Alpha Phi and SDT have been kicked off once and AOPi have been kicked off twice. THAT is what I mean by ultimate survivors. They may not be as big in number as you, but they unite and keep on campus and refuse to quit. I went to another house, but I would totally have been fine with accepting a bid from them.

By: History
by: Thank youSep 25, 2021 9:11:30 AM

Thank you for this. Find your place and just be happy. Support each other as women of greek life instead of the constant belittling these shows your true colors. The tier system is ridiculous. It’s so high school. Greek life is not a popularity contest and if you think it is then you are in it for the wrong reasons. This is a self ranking site. Nobody would put another sororities before their own or defend a sorority if they aren’t greek. So when people are on here ranking they are SELF-ranking. So in other words “top tier” spends a lot of time on here making sure to tell everyone they are “top tier”.

By: Thank you
by: Yeah okSep 25, 2021 5:01:57 PM

The only reason they’ve survived so long is because they’re too irrelevant to be present in any sort of controversy. Settle down.

By: Yeah ok
#9  by: why even bother    

it’s funny how ex sisters have posted about how badly they were treated in the house and by members and exec and alpha gam girls still have the audacity to defend themselves. You ladies are bottom for a reason, and not just because you accept anyone. People are off put by attitudes and fake ness and other houses and frats see that. Instead of coming up with lame comebacks, maybe go to exec and come up with ways to change your reputation and image and people in Greek life won’t bash you as much, but that takes too much tenacity that you lack to stand up to exec and ask for changes for the better.

By: why even bother
by: Get Over ItSep 25, 2021 3:39:49 PM

This sounds like an extremely personal problem you have with the eboard. Is this something you can take up with them or are you still bitter from being kicked out. Same disgruntled ex-member posting over and over, you can tell based off of syntax.

By: Get Over It

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