
Sig ep should be top


I think sig ep should be top tier Bc there’s 5 top tier sorority’s and only 2 top frats so sig ep should just be bumped up Bc of that.

Posted By: Qq
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What do you mean. Sig ep is number 1. Pike is going downhill. Theta chi will probably be kicked anyways

By: Sig Ep

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by: PIKE   

Still have your wet dreams again of being #1 Sig Ep?

by: Stfu   

Only reason theta chi would get kicked is if you guys or beta ratted on them to your precious ifc

By: Stfu
by: Tf   

^ Yeah Sig ep is in good standing with IFC but they don’t rat on anyone

By: Tf

They’d be put in the top tier if they deserved it. A dry house will never be top tier at fsu.

By: Lmao
by: AMEN   



Just because there are not as many frats as sororities does not make frats top tier by default. Plus sig ep is a dry house lol, a dry house considered top tier makes no sense

By: Idiot

Sig Ep is just a less beta version of beta, but still pretty beta

By: Hmmm

SigEp tends to attract the kind of guy who wants more than a drinking club out of his fraternity. Students go to college to develop personally and professionally. Some other fraternities have facilities that house brothers in environments that harm rather than help those goals by forcing brothers to go elsewhere to study during parties. But SigEp's substance-free facility provides a very conducive environment for doing what students go to college to do.

By: America
by: Lol   

Lmao wtf chill sig ep nationals

By: Lol
by: HAHAHAHA...   

Great way to attract all loser geeds. This is why Sig Ep will NEVER be a top house.

by: Guest   

“The vice president of communications is the FSU chapter’s information officer, lead storyteller, and the primary protector of the chapter’s brand as well as SigEp national fraternity brand. By wielding tools like chapter sites and social media including Facebook, Instagram and Greekrank, this position can help shape perception of the chapter and put its brand in a position to thrive on campus.”

By: Guest
by: Really?   

“Lead storyteller”?
Sig Ep certainly does imagine itself different than all the other fraternities.

By: Really?
by: Bainbridge   

Sig Ep national writes this stuff and then posts it on greek rank sites. Do they not know how this just exposes their local chapters to ridicule? NO local Sig Ep would have written this.

By: Bainbridge

SigEp is committed to being a different kind of fraternity – one that recognizes the importance of the out-of-classroom experience and is committed to making that experience the safest and most empowering part of a college male’s life. SigEp is unique in that our brotherhood and all fraternity events are alcohol and substance free by choice. The brothers feel that the brotherhood we are constantly striving to build does not require alcohol to exist. The chapter also works to encourage other fraternities toward eradicating dangerous and illegal alcohol consumption.

by: Bax   

Sigma Ep nationals writes this drivel and makes their chapters send it out on various platforms. It’s not being written by this FSU chapter.

By: Bax
by: Greek God   

Sounds like Sig Ep national is desperate for attention. By them doing this, they are making their chapters look more like nerdy geeds.

By: Greek God
by: Dexter   

Sig eps stuff sounds like it was written by a sorority.

By: Dexter

didn't a guy die at the Sigep house?

By: but
by: wha   

How did he die?

By: wha
by: WCTV   

"The 22-year-old Florida State University student who was found dead at the Sigma Phi Epsilon House in Dec. 2020 died from accidental blunt-force head trauma, according to the official autopsy report."

"had alcohol and cocaine in his system at the time, listing those as “contributory causes” to his death."


It’s funny seeing all of these “Sig Ep are all goobs, betas, losers, etc” comments but yet there are only 2 fraternities that are better than them & that’s even with a dry house. I feel like these comments come from Delta Chi’s, Kappa Sigs, KA’s, and SAE’s. Pike and Theta Chi wouldn’t bother commenting on this

By: “Dry” house
by: Really?   

Betas are total narcs because they will never be a top house and they know it. As for Sig Eps, Dry House? Well good luck with that.

By: Really?
by: GirlsDigBetas   

Lots of jealousy in here. All you short Miami dudes wish you were good enough to be Sig Eps or Betas. Best houses on campus and it isn’t even close.

By: GirlsDigBetas
by: yuk   

bunch of tik tok bois

By: yuk
by: ??   

Sig Ep and Kappa Sig are on the same level. SAE and KA contend for a top spot more than Sig Ep does

By: ??

A dry house will never be top tier at FSU

By: nope
by: amen   

never ever

By: amen

Sig Sorority Ep

By: yep

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