
alpha phi - resist!


I am calling on all Alpha Phis to reject the recruitment strategies designed and overseen by Alpha Phi International Fraternity. I am calling for the end of the sanctioned hazing of our members, the blatant disregard for our values, and taking membership selection decisions out of the handles of our collegiate members. The "clip board" ladies need to go home.

For those who require more information, please go to Reddit and search for Alpha Phi Michigan where you will find an anonymous expose written by a former collegiate recruitment chair. She gives a very detailed and accurate description of the recruitment strategy as outlined by the women at the very top of Alpha Phi. It is currently being used on this campus too.

I call on the collegians of Alpha Phi to read the document fo themselves and ASK QUESTIONS. You likely have no idea that most of this is going on. You need to speak up.

This is a warning to the ladies of Alpha Phi International. No more stupid skits at regional conference. We don't care to watch you re-live your glory days. You need to step up to the microphone and own what is said in this expose and then tell us how you are changing it. If you don't, I promise you, we will be changing you at the next convention.

Posted By: mad
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That’s a pretty similar scenario amongst all sororities


I read the whole thing. I'm not in a sorority at FSU. I transferred as a junior, too late. But I have a lot of sorority friends here and I like sororities a lot.
Just looking at this as a business major, let me say these things:
1 The fact that "scoring is prohibited by panhellenic" is reason enough for individual sorties to ignore everything that panhellenic tried to impose on them.
2 To the author: If your idea of 'hazing' is that alumni work with the chapter trying to make it more competitive and keep it strong, then you have no idea what hazing is.
3 To the author: if your idea is to build a top sorority pledge class made op of women with "unique hairstyles and unusual piercings" you can forget about pairing for homecoming with a decent fraternity.
4 To the author: Your text indicates you have a large supply of what you call "3s" as well as "9s". As a businesswoman I would think that I would want to build a sorority with fewer 3s and more 9s. The idea is to improve and expand the organization's membership.
5 In fact, instead of complaining and being crushed, I would think that the 3s would be forever grateful to belong to a sorority with top reputation.

By: Natalie
by: ^   

Ooh, so you're a business major, huh? Well, well, well, LMAO. If you are not a sorority member with a few recruitment years under your belt, you're talking out of your ass. Go weigh in on a topic somewhere else where you can speak from some kind of actual experience. Then you might have some cred.

By: ^
by: Ju    

@natalie you sound like an idiot. Your business major means nothing on this topic, the points you attempted to make are nonsensical and vapid at best, and your presentation was ineffective. May god have mercy on your soul.

By: Ju
by: Whatever   

Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. Do you know why sororities were founded? What is I. Their creeds? What values based recruitment means? None of this has anything to do with recruiting the hottest girls so they can mix with the hottest fraternities. I'm not quite sure that's what's been driving the whole thing for 160+ years. But, you're a business major- you know better than actual sorority women, so...

By: Whatever

seriously this is only relevant to West coast schools. alpha phi sucks here

By: who cares

I don't know if it works the same way at FSU. The OP says the supposedly 'top' sororities at Michigan have to cut 50% of the PNMs before recruitment starts. That would mean that all the sororities wouldn't have an equal chance to compete. How do you get to be a 'top' sorority if the game is rigged in advance?

By: AX

The sororities that have the highest return rates ( PNMs all wanting to return to those sororities) have to release a larger percentage on PNMs, while sororities that aren't as desired can invite a higher percentage. The "goal" is for those PNMs released from the most desired, to have several chances to get to know the sororities remaining on their schedule, with the end goal more PNMs receiving bids. It's called RFM and it seems to be working as intended. Let's face it-all PNMs aren't going to receive bids from the top tier chapters. Better to find out right away that ABC sorority doesn't think you'll fit in. Then you can concentrate on where you would.

My aunt said in her day that sororities could string PNMs along up to pref round, knowing full well they weren't going to bid them all and then drop them like hot potatoes. This left lots of girls bid less and many chapters not reaching quota.

By: As it was explained to me

OK I get it. Everyone gets a new members class and no one gets left behind. The poster Whatever said "None of this has anything to do with recruiting the hottest girls so they can mix with the hottest fraternities." But what if you want to build up your sorority to be able to attract ANYONE including the hottest girls? Under this recruitment system you get a new members class but you can't ever get any better. Better to have competition.

By: OK

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