


Why isn't there an A Xi D chapter at FSU? They have a great reputation everywhere else

Posted By: moo
Page 1 of 2

I had to look all this up as part of an assignment. When the greek system basically collapsed in the 1970s FSU lost some sororities whose membership dropped too low for them to continue.
Tri-Sigma left and never retuned. Sigma Delta Tau is in their house now.
Alpha phi left and sold their house to the FSU Foundation. When they came back to FSU they built next to DG.
AOPI left and sold their house to Sigma Phi Epsilon. Later that house was town down and the Alpha Phis bought the property and built on it. When they came back to FSU they built on Pensacola.
Sigma Kappa left and never returned. Kappa Sigma is in their house.
Gamma Phi Beta left but only briefly. They kept their house.
Alpha Xi Delta left and never returned. They sold their house on Park to the Lambda Chis who eventually sold it to the big housing complex on College.
Theta Upsilon was a national sorority with a chapter at FSU in the 1920s. The national eventually was absorbed by Delta Zeta sorority.
Beta Phi Alpha was a national sorority with a chapter at FSU in the 1930s. The national was also absorbed by Delta Zeta sorority.
Do you want to know about the fraternities?

By: used to be here
by: pls   

Please write back about the frats

By: pls
by: Guest   


By: Guest
by: Wow   

This was actually pretty interesting

By: Wow
by: $   


By: $
by: Curious   

What caused the collapse of the Greek system in the 70s?

By: Curious

OK - since you asked.
There is some question as to whether there were national fraternities here in the late 1800s. That still is an open question.
The first fraternity at Florida State College was KAOrder in 1902. They helped found the chapter of KD Sorority here and so the KD Chapter name is "KA".
FSU was all-female from 1905 till 1946. Once the doors opened the fraternities begin to organize. Many of the men students were returning veterans who had been in fraternities at other southern schools. In fall 1947 there were colonies of eight fraternities: ATO, Pike, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta, SAE, KA,and Theta Chi. Bu agreement, all the chapters were to be installed at the same time on March 4, 1949 but the Delta initiated the night before and because the "first". For some reason Phi Delta theta did not initiate their chapter until a year later.
The University built eight fraternity houses, three along Tennessee Street and five along Wildwood Drive. Seven of the eight fraternities accepted the offer of housing; one (Pike) did not. Lambda Chi Alpha was just colonized and so they took the remaining house.
Fraternities kept coming and by the mid-1960s 13 more fraternities had been added to the original eight: Lambda Chi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Tau Epsilon Phi, Chi Phi, Delta chi, Phi Kappa Psi, AEPi, Fiji, Sigma Phi Epsilon and TEKE.
Delta Tau Delta was the first fraternity to "leave", in 1970.
Continued below...

By: FSU fraternities
by: FSU fraternities   

In the 1970s some fraternities suffered the same membership problems as the sororities. In addition to Delt, FSU lost Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Chi, Tau Epsilon Phi, and Beta Theta Pi. All except TEP have returned.
In the late 1980s fraternities began to be kicked off by the University for behavioral issues and that continues today. Starting in 1988 through 2014 FSU lost Pike, Phi Delt, Pi Kappa Phi, Phi kappa Tau, Theta Chi, Fiji, ATO, SAE, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Lambda Chi, Delta Chi and Sigma Nu. All except Lambda Chi, Sigma Nu and Sigma Chi have returned.
In recent years, FSU has added chapters of Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Pi, and Alpha Delta Phi. Pi Lam is no longer here. There was once a colony of Delta Upsilon but they were not chartered.

By: FSU fraternities
by: Sorry,I forgot ZBT   

Sometime after 2000 Zeta Beta Tau established a chapter at FSU but claimed status as a non-IFC student organization for years. The University allowed it for some reason; maybe it was just overlooked. Eventually ZBT applied for and received IFC recognition. The currently lease the old Lambda Chi Alpha house.

By: Sorry,I forgot ZBT

Axid actually sucks in the south. They have a good chapter at FIU (lol, FIU so they'd be lower middle tier here). Their other chapters in Florida and for example places like Auburn all suck.

By: No
by: Eh   

They're high middle tier at fiu, and top tier at fau

By: Eh
by: Om   

They’re top in Vegas I know from partying oh there

By: Om
by: AXID   

They suck in FL


Thanks for the history lesson, very interesting, My Mom and Dad were both at FSU in the 80s and both Greek, said the undisputed top three fraternities at the time were Pike, Lambda Chi and Sigma Chi, two out of three not here now. KD, Tri-Delt and Pi Phi were generally top three soroities back then.

By: Recent Greek alum
by: Greek PARENTS   

My parents were here in 80s too. Mom was an AXO and Dad was ATO. They both said there were no "undisputed" top tier fraternities. Dad said ATO was a lot better then, he thinks. Mom said that AXO was upper middle ( prob 7) and that she liked that about them. Funny, that is exactly where they are now.

Tri Sig was still here is the 80s but struggling. gamma phi came back while they were here and was the weirdest combination of girls. There nickname was "group of girls". Lol


Wasn't there also a Delta Phi Epsilon chapter at FSU at some point? I think my great aunt was a member here.

By: FSUgirl

Oh and I think Alpha Xi Delta had a chapter at UF that closed in like 2000. Not sure why. I heard Alpha Phi is coming to campus which is exciting but it's a shame they can't recolonize.

By: FSUgirl
by: !!!   

my aunt was an alpha xi at UF lol and they closed bc they were a small chapter and their HQ did not have the funds to support them like other srats did. they were a ~bottom tier~ sorority with a small house and their HQ wouldn’t let them run their own recruitment and forced them to take girls they didn’t like or want. the chapter voted to close and then alpha xi HQ recolonized immediately after and wouldn’t let the old sisters wear letters and threatened to expel them if they did.
UF didn’t like that so they cancelled recolonization and said Alpha Xi wouldn’t be welcome back on campus for a long time.

By: !!!

Yes, the "Deephers" were established at FSCW in 1926 and closed in 1950.

By: Delta Phi Epsilon?
by: ...   

FSU needs a DPhiE chapter

By: ...
by: No   

We have enough chill with azd and dphie this is not fiu lol

By: No


By: Start one

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Which sororities have NEVER been at FSU??

By: T

If a sorority has been at FSU before and wants to come back they should have priority. SDT was allowed in before some others and that was wrong.

By: if you've been
by: @if you've been   

When Alpha Phi was picked to recolonize, they'd previously been here 1959-72. AOPi and DPhiE also presented, and AOPi was chosen to recolonize in 2013 but DPhiE was not allowed to recolonize.

Tri Sigs have been here (and closed) three different times (20-35; 60-90; 92-98). DPhiE has been here and closed twice (25-50; 68-71). SK has been here and closed twice (20-? and ? to 99). And for the other poster AEPhi was only here three years (76-79) it is most likely they were only a small group of women without a house. AXiD stayed on campus from 1929-80.

Those on a second/third chance here right now include AOPi which has been here and closed twice (28-39; 49-80; 2013 reinstalled). SDT is on its second FSU journey (89-? and 2004 reinstalled). GPhiB is on its second leg (50-?; 1986 reinstalled).

It takes major financial wherewithal and alumnae advisory interest to bring a sorority chapter back to life. Just because DPhiE presented in 2009 does not mean they want to ask to present again should FSU open to sorority expansion. No campus wants to suffer from unwieldy new member class size, and if/when FSU thoughtfully opens their campus to another group(s) I am sure the proper decision will be made based on facts not feelings.

By: @if you've been

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