
what are the real sorority rankings here?


What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
Page 3 of 5

Kappa- potentially leaving bottom tier, not as weird as other tiers, yet still not very attractive. nice though
Sig Delt- just awkward, house is getting redone finally though
AOPI- new on campus, brand new house, can see them escalating through the years
AGD- probably worst chapter on campus, don't rush very well and that's how they lose a lot of girls

By: Honest opinion

I have been a sorority alum member for over 50 years now and belong to our local Panhellenic as we don't have an alum chapter of my sorority here. What I've found and believe to be true as much as I love my sorority, is that I'm fairly sure if I had gone to a different college/university, I very likely would have been in another sorority as the chapters all differ so, one from the other, as you go from campus to campus. So, just enjoy the sorority you're in now and when you get out in the world, become involved with a Panhellenic alum group also!

By: Old AXO

Is it embarrassing to be in DZ?

By: Okok

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by: No   

Not at all trust me there are some houses that are embarrassing based of their rep but DZ is not one of them

By: No

Should you be embarrassed to belong to DZ?

By: Why

ADPi is way high on these. They are maybe as high as trindelt and theta, but not better . All strong though.

By: Frat

Top: DG/Zeta/KD
Lower top: Tri Delt/ Theta/ Adpi
Mid top: chi omega/ AXO/ pi phi
Middle: alpha phi/ gamma phi/ phi mu
Bottom top: SDT/ Kappa/ DZ
Bottom: Aopi/ AGD

By: Accurate

DG- Always in top, always hot, hear that they don't have a sisterhood at all
Tri Delta- Definitley has the best PC of 2016, Very attractive. Known to be the "blonde sorority" Much like DG but seem to have a good sisterhood
KD- very attractive like DG & DDD, some seem nice while others seem stuck up
Zeta - usually in top tier but seems to be going downhill, didn't meet quota for the PC'16 and the girls are horrible
ADPI- girls are very nice, they are very diverse. They have beautiful girls, party girls, and also some smart girls
Theta- known to have the "brunettes", very chill girls
Chi O- very smart, nice girls. Don't get initiated until spring because have to have a very high GPA
A-Chi-O - very laid back, funny girls
Phi Mu- seems to be getting better
Alpha phi- nice girls. Seems to be on the rise
Pi phi

By: I know
by: Yes   

So accurate

By: Yes
by: disagree   

DG went down hill this year and no sisterhood
Tridelt- had a good rush this year but doesn't put them up in top with KD DG and ZTA
KD- consistently same
ZTA- still in top above tridelt but some girls in the new pc are average. Doesn't make or break them though, still in top.
Tridelt- had a good rush but still average. I've heard a lot of them hiding girls during rush and only putting the "pretty blondes out"
Theta- improving, a lot of girls liked them
Adpi- improving good rush,
Phi mu- improving as in sure everyone can agree
(The rest have stayed consistent)

By: disagree

top: zeta kd dg
Middle top: tri delt, theta, adpi
Middle: axo chi o pi phi gamma phi
Lower: phi mu alpha phi
Bottem: aopi agd sdt kg dz

By: Real
by: Rose    

Zeta has definitely gone down. I think tri delt is definitely in top now. And I would put theta in middle

By: Rose

Tri delt/ theta/ adpi
Axo/ chi o/ pi phi
Gamma phi/ alpha phi
Phi mu/ kkg/ DZ
Sig delt/ agd/ aopi

By: Real
by: No!    

No Theta...no matter how much you self rank, you are are no longer Top 5. About 3 sororities have passed you all after this last PC.

By: No!

Tri delt/ theta/ adpi
Axo/ chi o/ pi phi
Gamma phi/ alpha phi
Phi mu/ kkg/ DZ
Sig delt/ agd/ aopi

By: Real

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