
Rush + OOS


For any OOS PNMs reading this (because I know I was when I was a HS senior) here’s what I didn’t know when I was in your position.

Top house doesn’t mean best house. Top just means hard to get into. Top just means LESS SPOTS available to get in because their members & alumni are pulling for SO MANY girls. Each house gets a number of girls they HAVE TO CUT during recruitment. The bigger the cuts the harder it is to get in. Top houses might have to cut 75% of the girls before they even meet them. They don’t have as many spots to fill, so it ends up being girls they ALREADY KNOW or girls with tight connections or legacies. This makes the exclusive/hard to get into rep continue YEAR AFTER YEAR. Girls in these houses already know each other really well from high school (MAJORITY=big city HS/Private HS girls).
For example, If you move from OOS to a high school where you don’t know anyone your senior year & everyone else has been friends since elementary school, it’s naturally going to be harder to fit in. It can be done, but it’s harder. This is how recruitment is. If you don’t have SEVERAL girls fighting for you in a house, it is really hard to get asked back. If a top house can only invite back 500 (round 1) & a mid/lower house can invite back 1000+ (round 1), your chances are greater of being 1 of 500 if you know SEVERAL girls. Remember there’s 2200+ PNMS and UARK is the biggest state school in Arkansas = a lot of Arkansas girls (many are legacies &/or well connected ARKANSAS girls). If you’re from OOS they’re not going to waste one of their spots (200 bids per house) on someone no one knows. It’s just easier to be 1 of 1000+ because there are more available spots. A random OOS outstanding PNM has slim chances of getting a spot.
Top doesn’t mean “best sisterhood” or friendliest, happiest, wealthiest, prettiest, &/or smartest (there’s a mixture of ALL TYPES in each house). It just means hardest to get into. In fact like the high school example, you’ll probably fit in better/feel more comfortable with other people who haven’t known each other forever & who have also recently moved to Arkansas. The top houses don’t have very many OOS girls. The mid/lower houses have more OOS. IT’S MATH, because if you’re in state you prob went to high school with a lot of girls in the top houses so they help you get in = CONNECTED.
What I learned the hard way is you need connections (which you’ll hear over and over again on GR) & if you don’t have them then you probably don’t really want to be in that sorority where so many of the girls already know each other. Trust me it is HARD to break into groups of girls that already have a history from high school, camp or whatever. There are some girls w/no connections, and yes some no connection girls make friends, but that hasn’t been my experience. Also keep in mind it costs $400+ per month to be in a UARK sorority and it’s time consuming, CHOOSE the best financial & time investment FOR YOU.
If I could give any advice it would be to prepare yourself mentally for brutal cuts that have less to do with your resume/appearance and more to do with not being connected. Something else I’d advise is if you’re transferring maybe do COB it’s less stressful and less expensive, all but the 5 oldest sororities take a few extra girls after bid day. With all this said if being in a top house is a priority to you 1. stay in your state or 2. join a sorority with a strong presence in your home state (for alumni purposes).

Posted By: UARK Senior
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oos here and I felt really welcomed by newer houses. rankings don't matter after recruitment.

By: oos
by: @   

this info is what I am using to try to make it through the week.

By: @
by: @oos   

This info is correct. All of the houses here, even the ones mentioned as low and mid tier, have great girls! There are plenty of “top tier” girls in all houses. Many are ops and didn’t have connections. Swallow your pride and continue with recruitment. It’s not you. It’s the process. It will all work out in the end!

By: @oos

FINALLY. This is very true. It's SO hard to drop a house the first round. I dropped 2 of the "Arkansas" houses Chi o and KKG just because of this. I had THE BEST rush experience. No tears. It's hard being dropped but if you go into this with the rest are all amazing then you will be SOOO happy!!! All the sororities besides those who only choose Arkansas girls are amazing. DROP them rise up and DROP them and be in control of you and don't let them win with ALL the people they have to drop. Zeta and Tri Delt take rich Texan's so don't be disappointed if you don't get those either.


Beware all of these "friendly" messages trying to help you. First, every house is amazing. If you're looking to make close sister friends then pick any of the mid to low houses. Mid. DG, KD, AXO, Pi Mu, Low Omnicron and Theta. Good luck PNM's

By: Beware
by: @beware   

do not pay any attention to this troll. It is clear they do not go here! Wtf is "omnicron"? We don't have theta.
Just stop.

By: @beware

Checking in on my oos pnms, hold your head up it will all workout ❤️

By: UARKSenior
by: thanks   

it’s been a tough day. thank u

By: thanks
by: Wps    

Another positive this year is another sorority is colonizing within week of formal recruitment ending! There are amazing girls in all the chapters, though. Cuts never make sense. Keep going and look with fresh eyes!

By: Wps
by: :(   

not so great. this morning was an eye opener fr. i honestly did not expect this.

By: :(
by: Heartbroken    

It was a tough day. Dropped from a house that I am a triple legacy too

By: Heartbroken

My oos pnms do not let this define you! You were brave and ventured off alone, rush here at an oos Pnm is not the same as your friends going through rush in their home state. The two rush experiences can’t be compared to one another, it’s a hard rush for 90% of oos pms (Dallas is not considered oos). Head up, shoulders back and move forward! ❤️

By: OOS Senior
by: Dee   

Why is Dallas not considered OOS? Houston? San Antonio? St.Louis… ??

By: Dee

Please give us newer houses a chance! I promise you will feel the genuine love we have for one another!

By: pls

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OOS and happy where I landed (not an older house), have made tons of oos friends already.

By: Andrea
by: Gigi   

Trust the process works!

By: Gigi
by: @andrea   


By: @andrea

This is silly. My daughter is OOS and got invited back by the top houses the entire process. She is now a Chi O and her friend group of 8….none of them are from Arkansas.

By: Penny
by: ?   

Happy she is happy!

Nice to hear something positive from that chapter.

By: ?
by: Curious    

Is your daughter from a large city? Dallas? Private School? Large city girls out of state are sought out by those older houses.

By: Curious
by: Not typical   

Glad your daughter is happy in her house. This is not the typical experience for oos girls with no connections. At UArk, connections make a big difference. A few girls might make it to bid day with an older chapter without having connections, but this is not the usual experience.

By: Not typical
by: Ha!   

The fact that this is a mom actively on Greek rank in September tells me her daughter’s probably a Dallas private school girl or a camp girl.
If you have money, KKG and Chi O will take you.

By: Ha!

important info for oos pnms

By: truth

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