
Top Houses Explained


Kappa looks for rich Dallas girls, must have connections or else chance of getting a bid from them is slim, not impossible but slim. They basically only hangout with eachother and only hangout with certain frats. Nice girls but very cliquey.

Chi O basically takes Little Rock legacies and only legacies. If you’re not a legacy or don’t have any connections you chance is also slim. Basically same as Kappa when it comes to hanging out with other frats and srats. Basically like high school 2.0.

Zeta is known for all their blonde members. They put importance on looks when it comes to rushing then personality. They’re known as pretty girls who like to party. You can find them at almost any party. They hangout with almost all frats and srats. You can get in as long as you’re pretty, even if you don’t have connections or are a legacy.

Pi Phi takes pretty girls who have amazing resumes and are smart. They’re known for being top in grades which draws most pnms. So because of that they pick girls who are pretty but also have good grades. They’re not super involved and are known as “invisible” on campus. They put some importance on connections and legacy status but not as much as kappa or chio

Posted By: Top
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can u explain the other houses like u did with these

By: Wps

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by: Other houses    

Tri delt- on pi phi tales with also being top in grades and having an amazing house on maple. They have a unique group of women and love their legacies. Amazing Chapter
KD- New house, great sorority nationwide. I think place importance on resume and grades
Adpi- known for fun, cute girls with a newly redone house across from zeta.
Phi mu- will take pretty girls with lower grades or bad reps that other houses cut. Have their share of quirky not cute girls as well.
Axo- great sisterhood and involved :)
Aopi- pretty girls and I would put them ahead of phi mu honestly
Dg- new with great house and involved girls

By: Other houses
by: No   

Dg is NOT last! Involved , fun girls!

By: No
by: Agree!   

Dg is equal to aopi and axo!

By: Agree!

Thanks for posting the same post we’ve all seen 100 times. We get it, they’re top houses and they’re exclusive and no one is getting in unless you’re a legacy. Do you have nothing else to do besides make this post?

By: Annoying

If you think getting into zeta is that easy, you didn’t go through recruitment. Zeta cuts everyone that has below a 3.4 on the first day. They cut over 1000 girls the first round, lots of girls who are beautiful get cut automatically. If you think it’s just about looks and personality, you have got it all wrong

By: Bro
by: Yes   

So true^

By: Yes
by: Huh?   

“their all blond members” that’s a bit of an exaggeration 😂

By: Huh?

Makes you wonder why people have to keep reminding people who the top houses are??!!?? If you have to tell people you are a top house, that says a lot!!!

By: Ugh..
by: Same   

Everyone around knows the top four houses. I would doubt it's active members of those houses posting these.

By: Same
by: Ha ha   

Right? Explain explain explain .....

By: Ha ha
by: @ ha ha   

I think she means the word "active" as in current students. This site gets a lot of alums.

By: @ ha ha

This is sadly true lollllllllllllllllllll

By: Truthhhhh
by: Well   

Legacies are carrying less and less weight each year. Will chi o still let their alums pick their pledge class for them? Time will tell….

By: Well
by: Well   

You mean legacies will carry NO weight now. Literally none.

By: Well

kappa seems to have a lot of overland park Kansas girls

By: woopiggies
by: ya    

Zeta as well

By: ya

Why only explain top houses? 😂

By: Huh??


By: Ha


By: Pc’18

Tri delt is top. Maybe top five but the night before pref you can only go to max five houses

By: Well
by: @well   

and a beautiful house!

By: @well
by: Hmm   

Tri delt = KD = ADPI
These houses all compete for the same pool of girls

By: Hmm
by: No   

Go back to bed ADPI. Not on Tri Delt level! Please!

By: No

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