
Rankings and why Feb 2021


#1 Kappa – honestly, they’re going to have to do something incredibly stupid to lose the top spot. Like banned from campus, stupid. This is the hardest house to get into unless you have high school friends in the house. It’s high school 2.0. They get who they want during recruitment, period.

#2 Chi O – obviously they can continuously have scandals that won’t affect their spot on campus. They were founded here so the alumni will not let them sink. The Little Rock moms have been obsessed with their daughters being Chi O since they were born. Chi O has lost all respect on campus due to their scandals and bad decisions. I wish the alumni would back off and let the girls make their own decisions, especially during recruitment.

#3 Zeta – They’re fun, they’re friendly. Everyone has a Zeta friend. They’re very passionate about their philanthropy. They are firmly in the number 3 spot.

#4 Pi Phi – I’m still going to put them here but they are really going to have to step up to keep this spot. We see Pi Phi during recruitment then they disappear. The only other times we hear about them is when the grade reports come out. They are usually the top GPA of all Greek life which is great but we need more. Smart girls but invisible.

#5 Tri Delt – they are right on Pi Phi’s heels itching to take over that #4 spot. Usually 2nd in grades though they did edge out Pi Phi for the top spot last spring. Smart cookies. Beautiful house. They’re passionate about their philanthropy. Friendly girls – some a little quirky but that just adds to the fun.

#6 KD – Smart and involved. KD also has a very good national image that helps. Fun, friendly girls. They’ll stay ahead of ADPI as long as they steer clear of the drama and cattiness.

#7 ADPI – Sweet girls, friendly and fun. They’ve done a good job of moving up the ranks. A lot of people say they’re on KD’s level but I just don’t think they’re there yet.

#8 AXO – Genuine, friendly girls. They have moved up the list quickly for a newer house. Very involved on campus and the girls proudly wear their letters. They are super passionate about their philanthropy. Best sisterhood on campus – these girls have a strong bond.

#9 AOPI – Pretty, fun, sweet girls – some a little quirky. They have really stepped it up the last couple of years and become much more involved. The most laid back house on campus. They stay out of drama and mind their own business.

#10 Phi Mu – I hate putting them here but sadly it’s the truth. This house has allowed the mean girls to take over. If you’re a pretty girl, they’ll take you no matter how you act. Something has to change here. There are definitely some sweet girls in the house but they’ve got to step up and get a hold of the reins and start steering this house back in the right direction.

#11 DG – Sad thing is when ranking someone has to be at the bottom. Newest house and it’s just going to take some time for them to work their way up. DG is a GREAT house. They’re very involved and have very sweet, genuine girls. It’s been said a million times here but it’s the honest truth – our lowest house would be a top house on most other campuses. Facts. PNMs should not sleep on DG. You will find real friendships here.

Posted By: WPS
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All very true and I appreciate how kind you were about the rankings!

By: Yep
by: Agree   

Aopi has just as many pretty girls as phi mu without being rep risk and having some mean girls. Agree they should be ranked higher

By: Agree
by: Yes   

Agree but think chi o needs to move down a spot or two!!

By: Yes
by: Hi   

Good rankings. I don’t think phi mu is that low though. They are trying to get rid of mean girl rep. I have a close friend that is a phi mu and she is super sweet!

By: Hi
by: But   

@Hi they’ve been trying to get rid of the mean girl rep for years! I agree with OP, they’ve 1000% fallen because they let the mean girls run their house. I have friends there too that are so sweet but they just steer clear of the drama.

By: But
by: Yep   

This is more like it

By: Yep
by: Words matter   

Agree with this one positive and accurate

By: Words matter
by: Me   

Yes! I love what &agree said. Aopi does have a lot of pretty girls without the mean girl attitude!

By: Me
by: Yes   

Aopi is moving up!

By: Yes
by: Love   

Love this one with positive descriptions

By: Love
by: Agree   

This is the most accurate

By: Agree
by: Dose of reality   

This is the truthest rank

By: Dose of reality
by: Yep   

Agree with this one

By: Yep
by: yes    

This makes the most sense - based on involvement, grades, retention

By: yes
by: Agree!   

Aopi has pretty girls!

By: Agree!
by: Yes!   

Aopi is mid tier

By: Yes!
by: Yes   

Love how positive this is

By: Yes
by: Hey   


By: Hey
by: Omg   


By: Omg
by: Randi   

Kappa always having to come on here and say they are number one

By: Randi


By: Strange
by: Hi   

Yes this is it

By: Hi
by: Ughhhhh   

Chi o is not seen that high on campus

By: Ughhhhh
by: This   

Great rankings and yes most girls rank chi o high in recruitment but once on campus truthfully not that well liked. Has zero to do with jealousy. They just do not have a good sisterhood or are inclusive of having friends in other houses

By: This
by: For real   

Best most accurate thing on here

By: For real
by: Good   

Good descriptions but chi o is ahead of kappa

By: Good
by: Yes   

Yes but chi o is not well
Liked overall

By: Yes
by: Actually    

Chi o is still ahead of kappa no matter what this site says

By: Actually
by: Well   

Switch chi o and kappa

By: Well
by: Closest   

Closest to reality!

By: Closest

Pretty good.
I’d probably move Pi Phi to third.

By: close
by: Adpi   

I think we( adpi ) are ahead of KD. All the girls I have met in my house this year are so cute and fun. I had both adpi and KD on pref and know I made the right choice. I was cut from both zeta and pi phi but if I did have a choice I would choose zeta over pi phi. I have met so many sweet zetas and they don’t have that I am better than you attitude some of the top houses have.

By: Adpi
by: Hi   

@adpi personally i think it’s very close. i think kd stays ahead based on grades. love you both though

By: Hi
by: @adpi   

When it’s close...you can always give the top place to the one with the higher grades.
Numbers don’t lie, and they aren’t up for opinions. It is what it is.

By: @adpi
by: @Adpi   

Sorry Adpi but KD has the better grades and house. Love u tho!

By: @Adpi
by: Hi   

Sorry adpi, it’s the grades for me

By: Hi
by: Nah   

Not an ADPi, but ADPi seems to have less drama than KD and the KD house is practically off campus, it’s so far from everything. Love them both though, can’t go wrong with either one!

By: Nah
by: No   

No in fact I would move pi phi below tri delt for two reasons. They aren’t very involved in greek life and their house is basically off campus and SUPER sterile inside. Think hospital. I made it to pref with them two years ago and the house tour is what made me not choose them in fact

By: No

Is switch Pi phi and Zeta

By: Wps

Honest and accurate!

By: Yes!

Love this! Spot on and perfect descriptions without being mean

By: ❤️

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Bumping the accurate one

By: Hi

Chi o
Pi Phi

By: kinda
by: 😄   

That's not how it's seen on campus.
Pi Phi/Zeta

By: 😄

This is it today

By: Accurate
by: No   

Switch pi phi with Tri delt! Pi phi’s are too uninvolved to deserve a top four spot

By: No

Why is Chi O still ranked so high up when no one actually seems to like them..? The only place these "ranks" exist are on here and yet y'all still put them so high. And for what? lol

By: hm
by: @hm   

It is because the Chi O mamas & alums live on this site 24/7, anyone who goes here agrees chi o not in the top three!!

By: @hm
by: still    

Chi O will remain top three. They are a highly desired house during recruitment. Doesn’t mean you have to like them. It’s just how it is here.
The top 4-5 houses have a lot of cuts first round which makes them all the more exclusive.

By: still
by: Heyo   

Regardless how some people may feel about chi o they will get the girls they want during recruitment. They pretty much already know who they are looking at from NLR area and they will get the girls they want. Thats why they keep a top spot. After people get to know them they may not be favored by campus but top frats like them and they get the pnms they are looking for. And they have high retention rates.

By: Heyo

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