
Kappa. Do better


i've been on the fence about posting this but I felt the need to share for future pnms. when I went to a football game last year with my family, a bunch of kappas were pointing and laughing at my dad because of the way he was walking. my dad has cerebral palsy, a condition that affects how the body moves and the muscles/joints. this made him feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable and he had a horrible gameday. and now he gets anxious everytime he visits. going through recruitment this year, I dropped kappa first round; and i'm sure glad I did. so if bullying disabled people is for you, kappa is the perfect house!

Posted By: cmon...
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How did you know they were kappas honey. Could've been any house

By: Plant Junkie
by: idk   

Not the OP but they were probably wearing kappa buttons.

By: idk
by: cmon...   

hi "honey" they were doing their hand signs and wearing the buttons like every sorority girl does on gameday

By: cmon...

Disappointing to say the least. High school 2.0 is real.

By: Hi

Not surprised at the least.

By: Klassy

Someone comes on here and posts this story with no proof about something that supposedly happened last year, and y'all just go with it?

Most definitely just a troll answering themselves.

By: Really?
by: really lol    

Every single person I know has had at least one horrible interaction with a Kappa. This isn’t that surprising. Grow up, teach your girls to do better.

By: really lol

Bump bump bump

By: Bump

i'm a kappa and i wanna be the first to say im so sorry this happened. those girls' actions were not okay or acceptable in any way. that being said, i do think that it's important to recognize that there are all types of girls in every house. i know a lot of nice and awesome kappas who would never do anything like that (myself included). again, what those girls did is horrible and i do not mean to defend them in any way. i wish we could find out who they were so they could be held accountable for their actions. i just am hoping to show that there are both nice and mean people everywhere, and im sorry that those few mean girls tarnished everyone in kappa's reputation for you

By: member
by: @member   

totally understand. I do know many nice Kappas. As a whole though the only problem your chapter is that it needs to be more concerned with getting more tell rounded pledge classes. Like I have said earlier Kappas recruitment team needs to know what they don’t need to know every girl that they want in their pledge class before rush. Being that exclusive does not make your chapter great, it makes it boring.

By: @member
by: Yeah I agree but....   

In order to get into kappa, you need someone in the inside to advocate you. For kappa to be the most selective house you guys can do better. 🤷🏼‍♀️So many girls get cut from kappa who can be considered top quality. You guys just have to change the culture of high school 2.0 and actually be selective because you guys get the top girls not girls you went high school with. I don’t really see this as a valid excuse from a house like kappa.

By: Yeah I agree but....
by: If    

People feel a house needs to recruit more well rounded PNMs— why worry about that house?

Go be happy with houses that do recruit those kind of pnms. Who cares?

If it is high school 2.0– then let them have at each other. Right?

Just go be happy with your people.

By: If
by: just saying   

everyone is just brushing past what @member said. Is the issue how those girls acted or how kappa (and all top houses) do rush? The point of this is to spread awareness about something horrible that happened. people should know about this and those girls should get in trouble. but as far as how kappa rushes people that's totally irrelevant to anything that this whole post is about. are you guys upset about the actions of those girls or are you just jumping at the chance to bash someone's house? I personally am very upset with those mean girls. i think every decent person who reads this should be upset, regardless of what house they are in. let's remember what this is about.

By: just saying

Bump (not gonna let this go)

By: Bump bump

to all the people disliking the comments... y'all are just as disgusting as the girls who made fun of her dad. whether y'all are kappas that are trying to keep your rep up or friends of them, just stop. nothing y'all can do will justify those girls' actions. nice try tho!! disgustinggggggggg

By: bruh

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The most irrelevant sorority on this campus...who cares

By: Kappa sux
by: pc18   

damn right. just a bunch of self-absorbed bullies

By: pc18

I’m pretty sure this is one person who hates Kappa having a deranged conversation with themselves - or either people affiliated with UofA automatically without question fully believe an anonymous post on a gossip website that has no verification process and no controls for truth or authenticity.

By: Ummmm...
by: WPS   

It’s Arkansas, you’ll feel better if you lower your standards


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