
Let’s MARCHonMAPLE. #marchonmaple


The Greek system does not have a fair representation of POC. A silent march would be perfect. We are not represented therefore we are silent. A peaceful silent march with our voices on signs.

Posted By: Peace
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How many white people are in the traditionally black groups? Works two ways.

By: Oh Please
by: Be smart   

POC formed their own organizations because they weren’t allowed in your organizations when they were founded. Why do you think these organizations never release their demographics? Because they know it will show they keep that way. Prove me wrong and put what you all call your top house demographics on here or put it on the organizations social media page. When you get your next email telling you to post on social media post a pic of you with every one of your friends that is a POC! There wouldn’t be 25 pictures for all the houses on Maple together.

By: Be smart
by: To be smart   

......and the sororities were started due to lack of organizations offered for women at universities. 2 have changed legacy policy to make it less systemic— as legacies were give preferential treatment and poc were not able, for the most part, to attend school and offer legacy status. Change is happening. Other chapters are discussing policy- but there is a process.

By: To be smart
by: When   

When would this march take place?

By: When
by: lol   

White women all over Little Rock Fayetteville and Texas all about to lose their minds! They do not understand peaceful protest. Actually I’m not sure what they understand other than thinking they are still in sororities. I would love to see their reaction if even one person stood on Maple. They would all go all kinds of bored housewife crazy like the women on The Help!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody bake these ladies a pie lol

By: lol

Respectfully asking: why do more POC not participate in Greek recruitment?

By: idk
by: idk   

Wait, rephrasing: why don’t more POC participate in Panhellenic recruitment?

By: idk
by: idk   

Again, respectfully asking: how can our Panhellenic chapters prove that we are open and eager for change if you aren’t willing to take the same step and go through recruitment? I’m being very sincere in this question. ❤️

By: idk

A poc joined KKG and was referred to as the “blappa” .... and you ask why? Girls who date young men of color are referred to as a “reputation risk”..... and you ask why? The comments from people on here legacies , have connections, pretty blonde girls, grade risk for anyone under a 3.75 or 3.5, perhaps they took more challenging classes like AP classes and not cheerleading ..... and you ask why? Not enough on their resume because they didn’t spend their summers volunteering at camps or belong to a certain number of clubs ..... and you ask why? Printed resumes costing more than one would spend to apply for a job...... and you ask why? How many POC attend these private schools in Little Rock, Dallas, or other cities who have relatives or connections and would receive support from these all white alum groups who meet in spring and summer to put their support behind PNMs...... and you ask why? How many POC do their children call friends ..... and you ask why? Why do these alums who have all the money and all the power power behind these houses that have been on our campus for 75 or 100 years or were founded here send their children to private schools ..... and you ask why? You all already know all of this. Does it make you feel better to put someone in their place and let them no they are nothing. Don’t you and your powerful, wealthy alum get enough of that doing it to your own during your recruitment? Don’t worry I do not expect one of you to say this is true. You have been raised by parents that want you to continue the legacy of racism and you will all do exactly what you were born to do.

By: @idk
by: @idk   

Here’s one example just written minutes ago
“ They are! They always take top quality girls from places like little rock and dallas. A lot of them are involved in bible camps and the other half of them are very outgoing ....... top quality? What does that mean?

By: @idk
by: @idk   

Another example “Chi-o only takes legacies or top girls their alum wants. Their house is controlled by their alum....
How many poc do you think are in these alum groups writing the checks to build these big houses?

By: @idk
by: idk   

My reasons for joining a sorority were purely for friendships. Like I said, I came from a small town and did not know a soul on campus. I am fortunate that I am in a house with an amazing philanthropy as well that had given me a much bigger sense of purpose. However, I feel like there is another urgent purpose now and that is unity. The incidents with the frat guys and the play genuinely hurt my heart, still does. The lack of understanding and sensitivity in our generation is unnerving. I absolutely have spoken out on all of the issues and will continue to do so. This isn’t something that we can just forget and go on with life. The conversations must continue. I have looked at the twitter account and it sickens me. It makes me angry. All humans have feelings and no one should ever be made to feel less than another. I know that many diversity groups have formed on campus and I can only hope that the ones who just don’t get it can try to understand, to learn, to accept, to change! Change is the only option. Our world can’t continue like this, I’m just so sad that it took this long to get to this realization.

By: idk
by: Also@idk   

I love your heart. I can tell you genuinely care. I hope you are one of my sisters! I second everything you’ve said. It’s past time for change!

By: Also@idk
by: Call them by name    

Call those fraternities by name put them all on your social media. I’ve heard all the sororities have gotten text and emails about what they are allowed to say. Is that true? It must be because not one of y’all has shared it on your insta or anywhere else.

By: Call them by name

THIS!! This is the open and honest conversation that needs to be happening instead of these stupid house rankings that are total crap anyway. We need more of this!! Thank you to these posters for their heartfelt honesty!!!!

By: Yes!!!!

You are the perfect definition of a uark sorority girl! Thank you!!!

By: @Flow

I agree!! and this is a whole other thing, but I also feel like the university itself doesn’t have a fair representation of POC (it could be because I’m from a diverse and large city). I do feel like making changes in Greek life is a great place to start!

By: yes

“ I mean- you can belittle a lot of things that happen. If you are so against it- don’t go thru recruitment. It is not mandatory” this quote was taken from a post on this thread
So did your granny Karen say- if you’re against slavery then don’t own a slave? Time after time the comments on here show how the majority of people in charge and actively involved in these sororities think.

By: Ok Becky

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Why does it matter to you what someone thinks? Much less what you assume they think? If you're sensitive and immature to handle invented "micro-aggressions," much less valid sentiments, then you should probably take "Becky's" advice. Can't stand the heat . . .

By: Becky is Karen Now?

White women all over Little Rock Fayetteville and Texas all about to lose their minds! They do not understand peaceful protest. Actually I’m not sure what they understand other than thinking they are still in sororities. I would love to see their reaction if even one person stood on Maple. They would all go all kinds of bored housewife crazy like the women on The Help!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody bake these ladies a pie lol

By: lol

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