
top five explained


Ok here is the deal guys..... there is no “ top six”. The reason why is because ADPI, KD, and Phi Mu are equal. Don’t get me started about Phi Mu but they do get quality girls that didn’t make the cut at Kappa or Zeta and didn’t feel it at ADPI or KD. The reason why top five is so IMPORTANT and all sororities want to be in that club is because the round before pref (in a perfect rush) you will have an opportunity to go back to five houses. From there you will pick your top two to pref. Therefore Kappa, Chi-O ( may change in 2020 but I doubt it) Zeta, Pi Phi and Tri Delt RARELY get cut before last round and has their pick of all the pnm’s. These are the top five. Number six will always just be a matter of preference.

Posted By: Greek girl
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There is a top five:

PhiMu is NOT equal to KD and ADPi. I go here and in a top five house and it’s just not true. I would put AXO above PhiMu in every rank just because AXO focuses on sisterhood and leadership and PhiMu just makes dumb post about how they’re hottest and trendiest and guys love them. Not true and reeks of insecurity. DG is on the rise with their accomplishments and AOPi has stepped it up too. Ranks really don’t matter anyway as long as you find a house that fits you.

By: gg
by: Yes!   

What SHE said ^!

By: Yes!
by: agree   

AXO and DG are way more involved and active in Greek life. Other houses like and respect them. Also agree don’t look at ranks. Go where you feel most at home.

By: agree
by: Yes   

WHAT SHE SAID^^^^ this is definitely the ranking

By: Yes
by: yessss   

This is it!!!

By: yessss
by: Okay except   

teehee, missed one. One more time

phi mu

By: Okay except
by: I think   

the axo, dg, phi mu, & aopi is personal preference. they all have a variety of girls so it just depends on who you’re talking to.

By: I think
by: THIS   

THIS is the ranking

by: Wow   

After coming on here and seeing ALL the post bashing tri delt, zeta and adpi, I agree phi mu is falling back to their old ways. Give my AXO any day!

By: Wow
by: Me   

Wow this is true

By: Me
by: Well   

Phi mu not equal now. Mean mean girls.

By: Well

This is actually soooo true!

By: This

I just don’t understand this because AXO has won homecoming and Greek sing and they aren’t in the top 5? Those are the two biggest events of the year. We love alpha chi and they should be recognized!!!!

By: Zeta
by: What   

Just because you win a contest doesn’t make you top in sisterhood or anything else lmao

By: What
by: Agree   

Alpha chi not only is involved but has amazing sisterhood. No way should they be anywhere close to the bottom in rankings.

By: Agree
by: Agree    

Agree alpha chi should get more recognition than it does!

By: Agree

So truuuuuuu

By: Wow

Bump because these are facts!

By: Yep

I agree with this post because of the way recruitment is set up. It is set up to try and maximize the number of girls who get a bid. In order to do this they require top sororities to cut ALOT ( as in more than half of the girls going through) the first night. Makes sense as less than half can end up in a top sorority because there is a quota. Therefore when girls get their schedule and they have a kappa or chi o and more than half of the other girls do not, they feel “ privileged “ and never cut those sororities. This is also why I think chi o will do just fine in fall. It’s easier for kappa to rise above chi o or zeta to rise above pi phi in the rankings for example , than for one of the middle three to rise above Tri delt.

By: Agree
by: Yessssssssss   

This is the real reason tops are tops. Meaning top five. They are basically forced to make a lot of cuts round one and two. Otherwise most are similar. All good!

By: Yessssssssss
by: Old but good   

Time to start bumping this one.

By: Old but good

Needs a bump before recruitment starts.....

By: .....

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Good explanation

By: Hmm

PNMs - Recruitment is a numbers game more than anything and as much as you don’t want to hear that, it is important to know.

By: This

AXO is a "diamond in the ruff", a hidden gem that has everything a girl would want in a greek organization- super-strong friendships and sisterhood, very involved, fun and outgoing, precious house on Maple, friendly and accepting, excellent philanthropy. I agree that AXO doesn't get the rank it deserves, a solid mid-tier UARK house and rising.

By: realist

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