
stop ranking please

by: senior

EVERY post agrees Kappa ChiO PiPhi are the undisputed TOP Houses here. They associate almost exclusively (a few zetas sprinkled in) with each other. You don’t see ChiO hanging with ADPi or Kappa acknowledging PhiMu even exists next door. If you go one of these then this will be your friend groups. End of story. It will also gain you access to certain fraternities. It’s a sweet deal if you’re one of the chosen ones.

Zeta is not top but also not middle so they are hard to categorize and are more likely to associate with ALL houses. Fraternity guys love them.

EVERY house that’s left is also a GREAT house. Some may pref KD over TriDelt or PhiMu over AXO. All the houses left are very similar so it’s really really like really dumb to keep ranking this one over this one or this one over that one. It’s gonna come down to your personal preference. No you may not be on the kappa Christmas card list but who cares? You will still have a great college experience with sisters who have your back. You still get to hang out with fraternities. You still have functions. Literally same as if you are in a top house.

So let’s quit these petty rankings and go with this:

All the rest of the houses.

You are welcome.

Posted By: senior
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#1  by: insAne   

you're insane if you think KD or Tri Delt is on the same level as Phi Mu, DG, and AOII. There's a huge difference.

By: insAne
#2  by: Uh   

You can’t really say that ranking is stupid but then say ChiO kappa and pi phi are top and the rest on the same level

By: Uh
by: YesFeb 21, 2019 10:45:50 PM

The only reason you’d type this out is
1. You’re in a top tier house and don’t care about any other sorority and you’re just stuck up
2. Your house keeps getting ranked bottom and you don’t agree so you want to bash everyone else down to the same level as your house that is actually bottom tier

By: Yes
by: YesFeb 21, 2019 10:46:12 PM

I mean the original post, not the comment

By: Yes
#3  by: tbh   

There are tiers and this is TRUTH:

Top tier:

Upper mid:



By: tbh
by: NopeFeb 22, 2019 12:34:15 PM

These aren’t correct

By: Nope
#4  by: lol   

Girls in one house can be and ARE friends with other girls regardless of “rank” or whatever. All houses here are great. I have friends in every single sorority. You’re being super negative when you say pi phi kappa and chio don’t associate with “lower tier” houses and only zeta does. There are girls in ALL houses with that mindset and if someone chooses not to be friend with someone based on their sorority, THAT is petty and is a reflection on THEM and not their house. Rankings are stupid. Love your sorority and every house here on campus.

By: lol

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