
define weird

by: curious

Just curious. I see the word weird or awkward thrown around on this site.
Give me an example. What makes someone weird.

Posted By: curious
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#1  by: Welp   

weird likely means cringe-y girls, example; crop tops/dog filter selfies/bad social media accounts. awkward just means hard to talk to or doesn’t offer much in a conversation/generally uninteresting/makes you uncomfortable.

By: Welp
by: ?Feb 27, 2019 2:19:27 PM

what’s wrong with crop tops?

By: ?
by: ummmFeb 27, 2019 4:02:06 PM

said the weird girl

By: ummm
by: top houseFeb 27, 2019 5:47:43 PM

crop tops? just don’t. like please don’t.

By: top house
by: To top houseFeb 27, 2019 8:32:51 PM

What else- wise old? What else should we not wear?
Someone get a piece of paper and write it down... all ears.

By: To top house
by: anywayFeb 28, 2019 2:02:18 AM

Nothing against crop tops but I can promise you if you submit a picture in one for recruitment or have like a ton on your social media that will hurt your recruitment

By: anyway
#2  by: another wise old   

hey if crop tops are your thing then go right ahead and own it. it’s true certain houses don’t want a crop top type of girl but then you probably didn’t fit in with that house anyway. but don’t be in a crop top house complaining your house should be a top house cuz - well, you’re in a crop top house.

By: another wise old
by: translation Feb 28, 2019 8:33:53 AM

Don’t judge me with my Louis bag and Range Rover and I won’t judge you in your crop top and Kia.

By: translation
by: better translationFeb 28, 2019 9:48:39 AM

You can be an owl or a cow. There’s room for all!

By: better translation
by: This is hilariousFeb 28, 2019 9:49:01 AM

Still writing..... go on...

no crop tops- check
Range Rover- check
No kia - check

Need to go shopping...

Wise old—— more please.
Tell us the wise old ways here at Ark.
position on Chevrolet? Converse? Hoop earrings? Straight hair vs curly?

By: This is hilarious
by: imoFeb 28, 2019 10:13:33 AM

Chevrolet - no
Converse - so last year
Hoops - yes
Straight or curly - either

By: imo
by: Sounds lonelyFeb 28, 2019 12:58:09 PM

Sporting talons

By: Sounds lonely
#3  by: seriously   

Pnms let this be a lesson in how quickly you will be judged. Forget those convo skills you’ve been working on all summer. One look at a crop top and converse and boom you’re cut. Sad but true for some houses.

By: seriously
by: PSAFeb 28, 2019 11:01:16 AM

Please do not wear crocs during recruitment and think you’re going to be ok.

by: crocsMar 4, 2019 4:29:39 PM

if someone walked in with crocs I'd give them a bid right then and there

By: crocs
by: lmaoMar 5, 2019 9:41:43 AM

truly a house for everyone

By: lmao
#4  by: don’t judge me   

I’m what you would probably consider a “weird girl”. I have a tattoo, like anime, dress unconventional. I DO own crop tops. Lol. But I love my house. No judgement from my sisters. Pnms please know there is a house for EVERYONE. It may not be top of the social ladder but I don’t want to be there anyway!

By: don’t judge me
#5  by: real   

UARK has its share of conservative LR private school girls but also I’ve seen a lot of more liberal artsy types than other SEC schools.

By: real
#6  by: “Weird” pnm   

Not looking at ranks but which houses are most accepting of “weird” girls? Weird meaning I do wear converse and have a very small tattoo on my wrist. Nothing dramatic.

By: “Weird” pnm
by: honestFeb 28, 2019 7:18:01 PM

i'd say probably AOPI, ADPI, DG, or AXO. maybe phi mu but they're starting to be pickier

By: honest
by: UarkMar 1, 2019 9:06:34 AM

Plenty of “top house sisters” have small tattoos!!!

By: Uark
#7  by: truth   

Chi O has some weird, and super obese girls! They just hide them in the back during recruitment. Their alumnae makes them take these girls due to connections or legacies.

Houses like Phi Mu, AXO and DG have some gorgeous girls! Don't believe me? You will see them wearing their sorority Tees around campus. Speaks volumes!

By: truth
by: judgeMar 5, 2019 1:06:21 PM

It does speak volumes. When I see a “gorgeous” PhiMu or DG (not so much AXO) it says “you must have a really low gpa or a really bad reputation to get you cut by all the other houses”.

By: judge
by: To judgeMar 5, 2019 1:26:37 PM

Maybe being a bird of prey is not that fulfilling.

By: To judge
by: agree with judgeMar 5, 2019 1:40:28 PM

Sorry but that’s what people really do think when they see gorgeous girls in bottom houses. Something was off about them during recruitment.

By: agree with judge
by: seriousMar 5, 2019 3:24:17 PM

ChiO is TOP house at UARK due to recruiting beautiful, smart, super involved girls with spotless reps. Unlike some houses who recruit leftovers based on who will be good for social media and end up with a house full of girls with arrest records, bad manners, and very questionable reps.

By: serious
by: kind soulMar 5, 2019 4:02:45 PM

please stop body shaming! it’s not ok! top middle bottom houses. doesn’t matter. body shaming is not ok!

By: kind soul
by: This is horribleMar 5, 2019 4:43:43 PM

Took a sick turn. Just stop.

By: This is horrible

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