
merry christmas, pnms.


Everyone is stressing about recruitment this time of year, so here's the run down on houses and how hard it is to get into them

Top: Kappa, Chi O, Pi Phi
Kappa: Cut at 3.4, usually good to have connections. Money is important to them, and so is grades! 9/10 hard to get into.
Chi O: Connections. Connections. Connections. If you don't have solid connections you can almost hang up getting a bid. Also, they cut at 3.4 and below on first round. 10/10 hard to get into.
Pi Phi: Not as crazy about connections, but usually more chil girls. tons of blondes. care about grades, just way more easy going. Also cut at 3.4. 8/10

Bottom Top: Zeta
Zeta Tau Alpha: Pretty girls, have a partying vibe but a CLASSY partier vibe. They are a strong top house and most girls love them during recruitment. They are more trendy than anything else. 8/10

Top Middle: Tri Delta/KD
Tri Delt: Tri Delt had a controversial semester, but they are still very well liked and respected. Their house is beautiful and their tradition is truly unmatched. Connections matter but not as much. As far as I know they don't cut based on grades, but I'm sure they won't take a PNM with less than a 3.0. 7/10
Kappa Delta: Their new house next year will boost them up. I think they've risen quite a bit more this year, making them competitive with Tri Delt. They cut at 3.35, from what I heard. Connections are important, and so are involvement in high school/grades. 7/10

MID: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Chi Omega
ADPi: Tradition!! These girls have so much tradition and are known for being good hearted. I haven't heard a single negative thing about ADPi and their house renovations in the next year or so will be great. I don't think they cut based on grades but they are a wholesome chapter. 5/10
Alpha Chi Omega: These girls have rise in the last year. They work hard, have the sweetest sisterhood, and are just overall a great chapter. I don't think they grade cut, but they are going to be more and more sought after as the years pass. 5/10

Lower Mid: Phi Mu, Delta Gamma, Alpha Omicron Pi
Phi Mu: Their house is beautiful, and they kind of become dependent on their house to do the talking for them. They have done a few mean things recently but I think that they will become a competitive mid sorority, just as they get used to their awesome house. They have some beautiful girls!! PC18 rocked. Known to take some grade and rep risks. 4/10 difficulty
Delta Gamma: I can't say anything that will be able to explain how much they have risen this past year, and some put them above Phi Mu. They are genuinely sweet and you will be able to see that during rush. They known how to have a good time and their new house is huge and beautiful!! 3-2/10
Alpha O: They have sweet girls but have dropped off the face of the earth this year. I only ever see them partying and honestly do not have much to say, so if you know anything about Alpha O, drop it below. haha

Posted By: you are welcome
Page 1 of 2

bump!! very true!!


Thank you so much for this!! So basically girls with no connections have a chance at any house that isn’t top?

By: pnm

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yes, this is helpful... but i’ve been doing some instagram stalking (oops) and it still seems like even the “lower” houses don’t have any far oos girls, only girls from surrounding states. so are these difficulty rankings for girls who know people or just in general? i haven’t seen any far oos girls on insta but that could just be bc there’s not that many oos here.

By: different pnm
by: sooie   

it seems like most people at uark that are oos are from neighboring states, so don't let the lack of people from far oos scare you. There just aren't alot of you.

By: sooie

this is accurate. there are oos in every house. ChiO is the only one that oos would be against you.

By: suz

Connections really don’t matter that much as long as you have an amazing resume and outgoing personality. I am from oos, had NO connections, and got the “hardest” house to get into. In fact, I didn’t get cut from any house. I know a lot of girls don’t have this experience, but it is possible to get a top house with no connections. You just really have to stand out.

By: Top House
by: To top house   

Connections do matter. You are 1 of 100 girls who made it thru w/o connections. Get real. Congrats to you.
This system is all about connections.

By: To top house

what makes bottom houses bottom?

By: pnm
by: helpful   

new houses generally are ranked lowest because they haven’t had time to establish themselves on campus yet and don’t have a physical house yet. houses with poor sisterhoods, rep risks, minimal campus presence, or publicly try to degrade other houses to make them look better will stay bottom tier.

By: helpful
by: Fun Times    

One thing to keep in mind is that next fall all the chapters on campus will for the first time in many years have an actual house!! Very Exciting!!!. There are so many girls that go thru recruitment that all the houses are filled with great girls. Reality is that a "so called bottom" house is really not that different from what many would say is a top house. Chapter Reputation and actual sisterhood don't always coincide. You have to go into recruitment with an open mind. Don't make a choice ahead of time.

By: Fun Times
by: Depends on House   

DG is bottom but rising because they are newer and tend to take a few risky PNMs to reach quota.
Phi Mu is bottom because they make snobby comments to other chapters when Phi Mu loses to them and bc they rely on their house too much.
AOII dropped off this year, and only party.

By: Depends on House

isn't AGD going to be on campus withouht a house this fall?

By: wait
by: OK?   

Yes, maybe. But if they do it like they've done in the past they won't be participating in regular recruitment this first time. They will do recruitment after the regular one is over.

By: OK?

I know at some schools, houses will take girls just because of their grades because it helps boost the chapter GPA. Does this happen here? Some houses are definitely more “looks” houses so would they take a girl who doesn’t have the “look” just because of GPA?

By: pnm
by: not really   

the houses that really focus on GPA are kappa, chi o, pi phi, zeta, and kd, and almost all of the girls have great connections, a great look, or both to go along with their gpa.

one bad thing, about almost all houses, is that we're in the south and looks really do matter. its a sad fact. but with good grades and a unique personality you can get into any house. don't worry too much about it.

By: not really
by: pnm   

so if i’m not pretty i won’t get a bid? i am probably below average in looks but i have everything else going for me i think. i’m kind of worried now.

By: pnm
by: you will   

you will get a bid - just be warned that if you aren’t drop dead gorgeous you probably won’t get a top house because they care about looks a lot and are pretty superficial unfortunately. every chapter at UARK is great and you will be happy wherever you end up! i’m average looks as well and honestly, i didn’t want to be in a “top house” because i would constantly feel like i would have to be perfect and live up to their standard. no hate on them - just not my thing!!

By: you will
by: pnm   

yeah i def wouldn’t expect to get a bid from a top house anyway since i’m out of state. but it does look like “bottom” houses like PM are super looks-oriented too so that’s why i’m a little worried about the appearance aspect of things. i know i’ll find my home but i don’t want to be prematurely judged because of something i can’t fix

By: pnm
by: just the facts   

I wouldn’t worry about PM or any bottom house taking based on looks. They are known as PhiMoo here. All houses will put their cutest girls front and center on social media and during recruitment. Bottom houses all have cute girls who were lacking connections, grades, or were a rep risks that top houses cut.

By: just the facts
by: so obvious   

PM is not a “super looks oriented” house. Lol! Nice try though PM!

By: so obvious
by: pnm   

Uhhhh no actually I’m not a Phi Mu lmao. From their instagram page and their tagged photos it just looks to me like they have a lot of great looking girls. At other schools, “bottom” houses don’t really have that.

By: pnm
by: tbh   

If there is a super good looking girl in a bottom house it’s usually a red flag that their gpa is low or they were a bad rep risks. Top houses will cut those girls first day no matter how pretty they are.

By: tbh
by: pnm   

what is a rep risk? a bad reputation?

By: pnm
by: What!?   

Oh give me a break. There is nothing wrong with buying a cute dress you'll probably only wear one time at Forever 21. But the rest of it is true

By: What!?
by: eye roll   

Girls in every house buy dresses at Forever 21. Even Kappas!

By: eye roll

Just saying, some chapters have a tendency to hide the fact that their entire chapter doesn't have super good looking girls by posting just the more attractive ones.

Don't worry.


do many houses already know who theyre cutting first round before recruitment even starts?!

By: :)
by: :)   

i did not mean to put an exclamation mark... i am not that excited haha

By: :)
by: yes   

kappa and chi-o probably already have PC’19 picked out. the rest don’t

By: yes
by: Grades matter   

If your question is specifically about first round and do they know who they are cutting? The answer is generally yes. It is hard getting to know a PNM in a 15 minute long 1st round party. Most chapters have a hard line on grades & will cut the 1st day most everyone below their established level. Each house has their own GPA standard and don't ask what those are because it isn't advertised.

By: Grades matter

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