
bottom house: axo,dg, or phi mu?


Which house is at the absolute bottom? I'm rushing in the fall and I'm curious about the sorority reputations here.

Posted By: FutureRazorback
Page 1 of 2

1. Phi Mu
2. DG
3. AXO

By: Junior
by: later   

If you decide to forgo rush to 2018, Alpha Gamma Delta will be your chosen underfoot sorority. You're welcome.

By: later
by: flat   

The one you're sitting on.

By: flat

It depends on what you consider important. AXO is bottom tier because of their lack of hot girls, phi mu is bottom tier because of their weird/lame personalities, DG is bottom tier because they're too new to have an established personality.

By: Well

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AXO is bottom. Even a sorority that has only been here for a semester is already better than they are, and that's kind of sad..sorry axo :(

By: ......

It really is specific to what you consider. Try to go in with an open mind

By: Hello

DG placed 3rd at Carol of the Greeks and just placed 3rd at Greek sing (they were grouped with Chi O and Beta). I would say that's pretty good for a new sorority to place already. Way to go ladies!

By: DG
by: Yeaaahhh   

They did that with Phi Mu and AXO in the beginning too, they started "winning" even though their performances weren't outstanding or anything. They'll place in homecoming (if we're still doing that??) this fall too, I'm calling it now. Eventually yall will have to put in the work too, so enjoy the ride.

By: Yeaaahhh
by: dg   

DG also won lip sync battle

By: dg

honestly don't worry about house rankings at all, they really don't mean anything. these three are obviously bottom tier because they don't have a house yet, and they each have their own faults. Phi mu's are all super fun and nice, but the sorority as a whole is very clique-y which leads to bad sisterhood. AXO has a strong sisterhood, but they're all girls that are only in a sorority to say that their in a sorority, they're all the girls that had no where else to go on bid day and couldn't stand the fact of not being in a sorority so they didn't drop out of rush. DG is either girls that really loved DG in general and wanted leadership opportunities and are super cool, or also girls that got dropped from everything else and still wanted to be in a sorority, theres also a chunk of girls in DG that wanted to be in a sorority but also wanted to party at the beginning of school so they didn't even bother with rush. Thats basically who makes up each of these sororities coming from a phi mu who is friends with loads of girls in all three of these sororities.

By: unity
by: not happy   

I'm in the green house which is a lower top tier house but all of my closest friends are chi-o or piphi. I have been sad all year not being with my friends. This just is not the place for me but I wanted to be in Greek life so I sucked it up and accpted the bid just to be in a sorority. I agree with what you said about not wanting to be left out. I am one too.

By: not happy
by: but come on   

Is that really something you want to say about AXO? Sure it isn't as strong here as it is on other campuses but that doesn't mean you can call it a sorority that will take anyone. Coming from someone that knows a lot of them it sounds like you are selling them short. Like you said, they have a strong sisterhood. That is surely a reason that some of them chose it. A lot of the girls in this year's pledge class had a "top or middle tier" but ranked AXO higher because that's where they felt at home. Rankings are superficial and not a way to live life.

By: but come on
by: listen    

You know, to call yourself "unity" on here is pretty ironic considering you just hackhandedly insulted all those chapters. Seriously.

By: listen
by: Sorry   

@not happy a couple of post above this:) wish I knew who you were since we are sisters.My girlfriend and I love this house.and are so happy.It is the perfect place for us. Hope it is has gotten better for you.

By: Sorry
by: Sivbskdn   

Girlfriend <3

By: Sivbskdn
by: DG   

girls that got dropped from everything else DID not get bid from DG. DG's grade minimum would have prevented that! They became even more strict with the grade requirement/campus involvement with their Spring Class. I know for a fact my suitemate was dropped from rush (didn't make it to pref) and she didn't get into DG

By: DG
by: Girl <3 Girl   

Glad you two are happy!

By: Girl <3 Girl
by: TriDGirl <3s TriDGirl   

n luv <3

By: TriDGirl <3s TriDGirl

From a guys perspective
1. DG
2. Phi Mu
3. AXO

but ranks don't really matter that much

By: hey

Honestly don't pay too much attention to what other people have to say about other sororities while going through the rush process. The idea of a top house or bottom house is irrelevant when it comes to the quality of the girls in the house; there is no correlation between house and quality of girls. You need to have an open mind when going through the process. I am currently in a chapter on campus and went in with no pre-conceived notions of the houses or their rankings. In doing this, I opened myself up to more possibilities in choosing the house that was best fit for ME. Just keep a positive attitude and know that whatever house you end up with at the end of the week, will welcome you to a sisterhood who loves you and truly wants you to succeed and enjoy your time here at the U of A. Enjoy rush and WOO PIG!!

By: Sally
by: blessedrzbk   

Keep an open mind and just enjoy! In my junior year and my girlfriend and I could not be happier with the house we chose.
We found the right house and you will too. Love all my sisters.

By: blessedrzbk

This whole thread is just mean. None of these women are lesser than other women in other groups. Find a place where you belong. Honestly, almost everyone could belong in almost any of the groups. Stop labeling people.

By: happy face

Let's just all get along. Stop trying to demean women. The group where you belong is your top group no matter what category someone tries to put them in.

By: happy face is smart

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