
Sorority Recruitment - real question, not a poll

by: on the fence

so i'm a sophomore with friends in multiple houses. hearing from all that so far, there are very few girls going thru recruitment. also, that it's all virtual. couple of questions:
1-with so few girls going thru, why doesn't it move to spring recruitment only?
2-will there be a limit on new members each house can accept? just wondering because if not, the house sizes could get really imbalanced. because i'm not new to ASU, i know that all the houses are good. but freshmen don't and might pref based on what friends at other schools do. or worse, whoever has the best ig. also, if houses just take all the girls they can get to keep their finances strong, the "personalities" of the houses could change. meaning a house that is known for academics could get a bunch of girls with lower gpas. or a house that is known for partying could end up with girls that are uncomfortable with that. seems like the mix could end up being very awkward and impact strong sisterhoods without limits
3-are all houses lowering dues, or just some? again, that could impact membership
4-what exactly will sorority activities look like? hate the idea of "paying for friends" and really hate the idea of "paying for virtual friends". i already have friends (many in sororities) so not sure that the "support" will be worth it.

if there's anyone from pan or chapter leadership that has answers, trying to get off the fence and sign up, or reconsider in the spring.

Posted By: on the fence
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#1  by: hi    

1. recruitment numbers aren’t low and are increasing a lot as of recently! there should be around 1400 girls that go through. also other schools are not seeing decreases in sign ups so ASU will be fine!
2. total is set at last years total (around 250) so if chapters do not meet that number after bid day they may COB to total. also informal spring recruitment will still be happening, not all chapters participate.
3. dues it’s kinda different depending on each chapter. i have heard some are being lowered a lot, others are staying the same /: also up to nationals to a certain extent so that’s hard. i completely see how that would effect membership!
4. events can happen right now in groups of 10 or less or virtually. i would say you would be able to have small gatherings like movie nights, food delivered, cookie baking, etc. also hanging out together at apartments. this also varies by chapter.
overall these changes are not ideal but joining a sorority is still worth it. if you’re on the fence about signing up i would say to go for it! this could ultimately bring girls to become closer friends and have stronger bonds. try to have a positive outlook on the changes!

By: hi
#2  by: my opinion    

This is coming from a regular srat girl
1. I’m wondering the same thing. Usually the numbers go up every year, however we’re doing everything online so there will probably be less. Lots of sororities pushed for spring recruitment only but Panhellenic and other organizations (the organization that governed us) INSISTED on doing Fall recruitment.
2. Usually girls will do end up in the house they belong, obviously stuff happens but usually people are pretty happy with their choice. Technically there is a “minimum ” but it depends on the sorority and how many girls they want recruit.
3. Dues are subjected to that sororities nationals. There are some fees that will always have to be paid (nationals, local pan fee, etc.) Most sororities are expecting lower dues because there will be less events, which is a large part of dues.
4. In a normal situation, there are lots events to “find your people” within the sororities. This year there is a 10 person cap on all events till the end of the semester. No one is quite sure how it will all work, i’m assuming mostly virtual and small gathering.

TL/DR: no one knows what to expect this year for recruitment and many organizations are waiting for further instructions from their nationals, ASU, and CDC

By: my opinion
#3  by: op   

thanks for the insight!

By: op
#4  by: Recruitment truth 2020   

Our VP Recruitment for my chapter has been very transparent

Right now only around 250 women are signed up to go through recruitment but ASU panhellenic is shooting for 1000. It is just a reality that all chapters will be doing COB this fall as panhellenic has not lowered quota nor chapter total yet. COB will also be occurring in the spring. Bid day will span a few days or weeks so girls can still have experiences with new sisters in groups ten or less. Chapter dynamics probably won’t change as much as you’d expect as all chapters rate girls based on their chapters individual values, connection (does the girl fit for them), and have a minimum gpa they are able to accept.

Chapter dues may be lowered or stay the same depending on the chapter. Mine I know may be lowered depending on if we leave campus or go completely online later in the semester —we pay in cycles so you don’t owe all money up front. Events can still happen in person on a smaller scale so it makes sense to still pay dues as things will still happen just in a new way.

In a non-pandemic world events can range from raising money, volunteering together, karaoke, sisterhood activities or challenges (such as minute to win it games or dance competitions), date parties which are dances at ASU, banquet nights, trivia or dinner with a fraternity, etc. in a pandemic world (I can only speak for my chapter) it is a weekly virtual meeting with a fun aspect like kahoot, trivia,etc. smaller scale sisterhood dates that the sorority pays for (for example roller skating but for only 10 girls while another 10 girls go mini golfing), packing up care packages for volunteering, volunteering at a food bank together while distances, hikes, outdoor recreation, in person movie nights distanced, etc. this is a very new obstacle but sisterhood and connection is more important than ever

By: Recruitment truth 2020
by: wellJul 26, 2020 3:47:15 AM

some of this information is incorrect like recruitment numbers and bid day

By: well
by: uhhhJul 26, 2020 12:08:49 PM

shut up pan exec

By: uhhh

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