
Latest Sorority Ranks, Discussion

by: greekrank

What sororities do you think are on the rise? Which ones do you see falling out of the spotlight? Predict next semesters rankings, discuss current standings, let’s see what’s going on as we head into Fall Recruitment!

Posted By: greekrank
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Page 2 of 2
#11  by: word   

good point. probably means they just mind their business.

By: word
#12  by: Ooo   

It really depends on the next pledge class. Join the one that is best for your personality.

By: Ooo
#13  by: advice    

Hey girls!!! I know that a lot of y’all are freshman so I’m going to give you some advice. Please don’t choose a sorority based on their tier. Go with what your heart desires. Believe me that you will know which one to choose during recruitment. Go in with an open mind and be yourself! You will find your home away from home!

By: advice
#14  by: update me   

Can someone give me the tea on chi o? I hear half of you guys say they’re middle tier and the other half top so what’s the truth here

By: update me
by: truthMay 19, 2020 5:04:54 PM

Chi o is middle tier but are on the rise to top! All the ones I’ve meet are super nice!

By: truth
by: curiousMay 19, 2020 6:45:17 PM

you think depending on their next pledge class they could be top?

By: curious
by: Chi oMay 20, 2020 3:15:35 PM

Does it matter?

By: Chi o
#15  by: AOII   

Personally I think AOII is on the rise. I see them being tops this year.

#16  by: Who cares    

Who cares about tiers! Every org is different and special in their own way. We should have each other’s back as a Greek community instead of bringing other orgs down.

By: Who cares
by: lolMay 22, 2020 11:11:28 AM

nobody asked

By: lol
#17  by: Okay   

Tops are
Adpi , sig Kap and alpha phi

Middle : KD , chi o , zeta and maybe dz

Bottom : aopi and agd

We only have 9 chapters here their isn’t much wiggle room to move around and I don’t see this moving around that much based off one pc in the fall. Also I don’t get why we say upper middle and middle it doesn’t make sense with only a few chapters your either top , middle or bottom stop making up categories to make yourself look better. This isn’t the SEC with 18 srats. If you are really happy in your org tier shouldn’t matter that much.

By: Okay
by: ummmmMay 23, 2020 4:27:16 PM

Okay but like where is phi mu?

By: ummmm
#18  by: to : ummmm   

phi mu is no longer on campus

By: to : ummmm
by: whyMay 23, 2020 8:58:09 PM


By: why
by: PMMay 23, 2020 9:44:05 PM

Supposedly they are taking a break but will probably be back in a few years, that’s what I heard anyways

By: PM
#19  by: another sorority    

I wanna see zeta do well so bad. they’re the sweetest girls. i hope their new pc bumps them up. PAN LOVE

By: another sorority

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