


How is ΑΦ here? Are they more preppy or diverse? Also, what is ΓΦΒ like? My sister at cnu is in ΓΦΒ and loves it. Lastly, are rankings heavily stressed/acknowledged here?

Posted By: Rushing next year
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Alpha phi here has a great sisterhood I always see the girls out together and they are always having a great time. They're more the girls you wanna wife vs hook up with but im sure they have their share of that. Gamma phi is brand new this year so its hard to describe them but they had a great philanthropy event this year. Honestly rankings arent that big here, everyone is basically either good or bad its like theres a line and if you above it your good and below it your bad.

By: Yo
by: ^   

this person is pretty accurate. APhi and TriDelta I say are similar in the sense that they have a diverse set of girls but they are pretty down to earth. Gamma Phi comes off as very artistic. A lot are art majors. Pretty early too give you a solid description. But they are doing very well for themselves

By: ^

alpha phi is a solid middle tier here. Super sweet girls. Gamma phi literally just established themselves this year..but are honestly doing a pretty kick ass job. But they are bottom as of now

By: Hmm

APhi is great and all but CHILL with the self ranking you're not better than DDD and theta yet

By: come on now

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