
just curious


So I'm just wondering, a lot of the sororities that are considering bottom/middle bottom tier, do they just not mix with frats? I'm not really asking if that, is what makes them bottom tier but yea. Do they just not CHOOSE to mix with frats or do the frats choose to not mix with them? Cause some people have said that "oh so and so needs to mix with more frats" but I feel like some frats don't mix with "lower tiered" sororitys.#confused

Posted By: big booty hoe
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for the most part, there has been a status quo established. KA, Pike, ATO, Snu, Sig Chi, PiKapp, Sig Ep and DX are the frats that have three good parties a weekend, with usually two mixers. I'm not saying those are the only ones but those are the ones i know the best. They usually mix with SSS, SK, DDD, Theta, Aphi, Asa and Zeta. DG, ADPi and AST are less likely to mix with these frats. AST will likely get a mixer with a few of these frats once during the entire school year. On the other hand, SK might mix with Pike four or five times. I haven't heard of the social chair for DG or ADPi hitting up any of the frats I listed, probably because they know they aren't likely to agree to mix with them. It's kinda mean but the better a frat is, the more choices they are going to have and the pickier they can be, therefore more likely to mix with stereotypically better looking sororities.

By: yup

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by: No   

SigNu and SigEp in the same sentence as Zeta, ASA, SSS? Not to mention Pikapp has one social event with SSS. Strike 1
AST mixes with everyone except KA and Sigma Chi. Strike 2
Sigma Chi is only relevant with sororities during their Derby Days. Strike 3

You hardly know a thing about Greek life and who mixes with who.

By: No

Also girls in those sororities establish better relationships with the guys in the fraternities because they see each other so often which makes both parties want to mix more often. Its sad but some sororities/fraternities dont even get the chance to put themselves out there.

By: sorority
by: Agree 100%   

I know girls in "top" sororities who prefer "middle" or "lower" frats and go to their parties a lot even though they may not mix and the opposite is also true with guys in "top" frats who may prefer "middle" or "lower" sororities. Personality makes a huge difference on an individual basis but unfortunately entrenched reputation seems to dominate the system when it comes to mixers.

By: Agree 100%

The only time anybody mentions sororities needing more mixers with fraternities is in regards to Gamma Phi because they are new and need to get themselves out there like any new sorority or DG because only Fiji and Theta Chi like mixing with them. ATO, KA, SX, Pike, DX all mix with almost every sorority. SN, LXA, Pikap, KS, and Sig Ep, mix with mostly upper middle, middle and lower middle tier sororities like Aphi, DDD, Phi Mu, Theta, AST, and ADPi with a mixer here and there with any of the top sororities. Gamma Phi is too new to put on a tier they usually mix with everyone in order to place themselves. DG doesn't really mix and saepi doesn't mix at all.

By: Truth
by: H   

just about right

By: H

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