


So DX KS and KA all lost their houses, any thoughts? Will the tiers be changed dramatically?

Posted By: sororityter
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Don't think KA lost their house officially yet.

In regards to it changing the relevancy of different chapters: that is entirely up to how each fraternity uses the house.
For example, I think SigNu having Colonial (believe they're the ones who got it) is going to be a huge asset to them, and will put them in high relevancy with ATO, Pike, and KA.
However, FIJI have Gingerbread, regardless of the fact that it's a huge steal for them, if they don't really do a spectacular job with it, will not really do much for them (though from what I've been hearing about FIJI this semester they seem to be on a good track to use the house well, but only time will tell).

By: not entirely sure

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by: Lol   

Fiji is full of guys who can't hold a conversation with a girl to save their life. They are one of the most awkward fraternities at JMU in league with others like Theta Chi and AEPi. Gingerbread or no Fiji is still extremely weird and awkward and the house will hardly help their cause.

By: Lol
by: Yeah   

Same thing could be said about SigNu, just because they got Colonial doesn't mean anything. It helps but doesn't guarantee anything. And if SigNu is downsizing expect someone else to take Colonial or their current house within the next year or so, like Pikapp or LXA, or hell even another fraternity could sneak in.

By: Yeah

DX was basically irrelevant until they got Gingerbread...so yes housing is huge.

By: Housing is huge

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