What's Hot - Johns Hopkins University - JHU
VIEW THREAD poll: the male soph/jun who you would... By: ForDaGirlzz
VIEW THREAD super bowl By: pnm
we will be done with bid day stuff—assumming I get a bid— in time for the super bowl right?...Read More
VIEW POST By: not true
Some sororities have higher GPA requirements of at least a 3.0.\n\n\n\n\n ...Read More
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VIEW THREAD formals By: wondering
i was just curious if there are any like out of town formals here or if thats not really a...Read More
VIEW THREAD hottest freshman girls By: Chem21labs
and who have you hu with ;)...Read More
the requirement is a 2.5!...Read More
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if i remember correctly, the first day lasted until about 9 and was the longest round. obviously each round gets...Read More
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VIEW THREAD sorority rushing schedule By: pnm602
how long do you spend at rush events each day? Like on philanthropy day you're supposed to get there at...Read More
VIEW POST By: i love the name^
they may but that isnt used in decision making in terms of rush. as long as you meet the minimum...Read More
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VIEW THREAD gpa By: Anonymous walrus
I know this has been asked several times. I’ve gotten mixed answers. Do sororities get to see people’s gpa during...Read More
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