thursday night vr review
by: So Pro
Tonight’s presentation of VR was by far the worst show production I have ever seen OSU Greek Life put on. It is truly embarrassing seeing the casts who put so much hard work in for the last 2 months not be rewarded with a phenomenal competition. The poorly made video they started the night with was streaming on some website being projected on stage and it had to stop to buffer multiple times before it finished. The music and audio was abysmal for the casts, and the hosts showed little care for what they were doing. It is especially hard to think that the United Way counts on this show for donations and the auditorium was only half full. Anyway, while these results should reflect scoring for tonight, a lot can change between now and Saturday’s winner is read.
1. Piano Man: Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Sigma
This one started the night off poorly. Thankfully, the microphones didn’t work for most of the performance because when they did work, it was hard to want to listen. Cast vocals didn’t exist in this show, but neither did a noticeable plot line or story. Their one good singer had great tone but was singing a song not meant for his register, which was obvious when he had to drop an octave to sing his high notes. Rookie mistakes. Choreo isn’t worth writing about. The fact that this show was among the top 6 indicates that there are HUGE problems with inspiring competition in the steering committee. I don’t know why this cast chose to put this on stage.
2. Hot Doggies: Chi Omega and FIJI - Second Place, Best Female Performer
The Chi-O’s finally came up with an original theme. And what do you know? It worked! They fit easily in second place in this competition, with very little competition to make them fall a spot. Their lead was phenomenal and hilarious, and the choreography was fun and full of energy. Their vocals, while beautiful, lacked the excitement of their dancing. While the theme was original, they didn’t do anything unique with their show, even including the familiar Newsies theme the Owls can’t seem to escape and incorporating the hackneyed group “YEAH!” at the climax of the show. The Girl Ensemble was the low point of the performance, which is a compliment.
3. Crown Debacle: Delta Delta Delta and Pike
Talk about a story flushed down the toilet. I think we knew from the opening scene that the crown and hat got switched but then we just waited for 4 scenes before they corrected the only conflict in the story. At one point the main character just walks on stage and looks around and then a hip hop number starts with no warning and people just start dancing (rather poorly I might add). In the process of not telling a story whatsoever, the cast also went ahead and butchered Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga and also sang a surprising tag to abruptly end the show. Somehow it was still better than the Piano show.
#1by: So Pro
4. Y2K: Pi Beta Phi and Beta Theta Pi - First Place, Best Vocals, Best Choreo, Most Creative, Best Male Performer
I wonder if the Pi Phis even showed up to practice because I don’t remember there being any girls in this show at all. The characters were all guys, the songs may as well have just been guys, and the girls just shrunk behind them. Certainly someone advised them against doing this but when you think you’re God’s gift to shows, maybe you go ahead and do it anyway. Either way, it doesn’t matter because I can’t imagine this one not taking the cake. It would be competitive any year but this year was too bad for it to not pull out the Gold.
5. Blind Date: Zeta Tau Alpha and Sigma Phi Epsilon
It’s a shame to say this show could easily place. There were no dazzling moments at all but there were (maybe) no really bad parts either. The opener was okay. All the soloists were hitting their notes but nothing more. The ensemble fell apart a little but didn’t make you wince. But no matter how high the ceiling was tonight, everything was undercut by the fact that the lead was PANTING the entire show directly into his face mic. It was impossible to not pay attention to because it was so prevalent and unrelenting. The whole script was derivative anyway and a bad attempt to create something more iconic and dazzling.
6. Old Folks Cruise: Phi Mu and Sigma Chi - Third Place
This show made me smile more than any other, and not just because it was edgy and hilarious. This show, along with the last handful of VR submissions they have made, has been a perfect parody of what this competition is. After a night of complete disappointment in steering and the advisors, I couldn’t help but think that Sigma Chi wasn’t even trying to play the game to win. They are just telling one big hilarious joke at steering, the other casts, and anyone who enjoys VR’s expense. While their lead was a phenomenal talent, they somehow chose to neglect entire songs of potential brilliant vocals or possible creative choreo simply to let old people limp around on stage. This was perfect and somehow made me less sad about how bad the entire night was. I hope that this is the show that places over Blind Date, but I don’t know that the judges will reward such original creativity when it comes in opposition to singing and dancing.
#4by: lover of greek rank
#5by: Someone who Knows
Next year better be a better VR... never have I seen there such a steep drop off between the top two pairings and everyone else... Pi Phi and Beta are obviously the best and Chi O and Fiji do have a good show but not a great one. But third? will it be sigma chi for being at least the most entertaining despite being a technical crap bin? or will Sig Ep and Zeta place even though their show would get 5th or 6th any other year yet somehow this year is so bad they could be considered top 3.
#8by: Gramps
It's so sad to see that no one wants to do VR anymore. Sigma Chi had to recruit from the Cimarron Nursing Home in Stillwater just to be able to fill out their cast. I think it's super cool to have diversity in Greek Life, but that's just too far. Student Conduct made houses not be able to do it, and now people are forced to recruit elderly people to do the show just to be able to have enough people to put it on stage.
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