
let's be strong...stand together

by: Love Greeks

Now that we are well into the semester can we stop with all the tearing each other down? There are those wanting to do COB, some doing spring recruitment, and girls probably checking site for next year, too. What made me fall in love with the university is that everyone was so nice and welcoming, but looking at this site it doesn't reflect that. I love my PC, I love my house, I also love many houses and the girls that are in them! Pan love is the goal here not tearing others down to make your house look better. Recruitment week is a hard process for some and easier for others. My personal experience was great. My advice to girls going through would be to ignore what people tell you and keep an open mind because Oklahoma State is the most awesome university and all of the houses are filled with great girls. I prefed a lower-mid tier or upper- lower tier house depending on which "rank" you look at because it was where I felt most at home and where I wanted to be. I have no regrets. Quit making people feel like they are lesser or not as worthy because they did not choose a top house and quit the bashing on GR. I had a full schedule all week and cut several "top and upper mid" houses through the week because I did not feel as comfortable in them as I did at others even though the girls were very nice to me. It's all about finding a smaller group to make a large university feel smaller. I'm friends with girls in lots of houses and that is the way it should be. <3

Posted By: Love Greeks
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#1  by: Agree   

This could’nt have been said any better. Could apply to guys too.

By: Agree
#2  by: Kip   

Poor honey. I’m glad you accepted where you landed. Enjoy your house but let’s not pretend all houses are equal.

By: Kip
by: sad4uSep 20, 2019 2:18:33 PM

you seem like a miserable person

By: sad4u
by: Oh Oct 21, 2019 7:48:19 PM

So, what criteria makes for a good house? Just wondering because some of the girls I know that are loaded (their parents, not them of course) are not in the top houses. Its all a matter of opinion. I for one do not base my acceptance into a sorority based on finances that the Alumni have paid for!!! When will you all comprehend this?? They didn’t purchase their house, the history of the sor/frat, and everything 99.9% of these kids are wearing are because of their parents!! Its all opinion based. Looks-genetics or surgery, great hair-bought by their mommy. Flashy car, apple watch-daddies wallet. Nice clothes-likely not earned. So tell me again about girls that settle?! Cause a closet with a gold chandelier is still just a closet!!!

By: Oh
by: KKOct 22, 2019 11:42:16 PM

Lol aren’t you pretentious. Hope you have fun after all this college bs is over.

By: KK
by: :/Oct 27, 2019 4:10:37 PM

Nice. You are part of the problem with the greek system

By: :/
#3  by: this   


By: this

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