
rec letter


Hi! I have a recommendation letter for every house except Gamma Phi. Can someone please tell me if there is a way I could contact an alumni group or something to obtain one? Thanks!

Posted By: Rush 2016
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Whenever I was getting rec letters, I had a close family friend who is a current gamma phi at a different school so I just had her write mine! I think you're allowed to do current members as long as they don't go to OSU, but I'm not 100% sure. You should try doing that! Alumni groups work but right now they're all so busy that they probably wouldn't get to writing it in time.

Also- for the harder letters to find for my area, I had my mom post on Facebook and some of her friends from work commented and said they would write them. :) goodluck girl!

By: What I did

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by: Go pokes   

Thank you!

By: Go pokes
by: good ideas   

Yes. Have your mom post on fb. Mine did for a couple of houses that I didn't have and it was amazing. The alums that responded were ones I knew but just didn't know they were in those sororities. Also, ask your friends who they got for those houses. You may have a friend whose aunt is in a house that you need. Another thing to do is to ask the alums that have written recs for you if they know anybody in the houses you don't have. Usually they'll have some good suggestions. Finally, all your teachers went to college. Ask any teacher you're close to if she knows any sorority women that can help you.

By: good ideas

I'dk why girls are worried about rec letters in my chapter it doesn't make a difference

By: Tay
by: @Tay   

Some of the houses are more selective and need a way to cut a lot of girls right at the beginning. In my house it's a way to differentiate those that made the effort and those that didn't.

By: @Tay
by: Hi   

It also depends on how strict hour nationals is about getting recs.

By: Hi

Don't worry about no getting a rec from GPhi. You won't like than anyway.

Wait let me re-phrase that -- you might like them during rush but HATE it once you're in. Very 2-faced. Act one way to get you in then you see the real house. More girls quit this house than any other.

By: Don't bother
by: Don't bother   

Oops-- that should say "not" getting a rec.

By: Don't bother
by: Haha   

Didn't get in??

By: Haha
by: Nice try   

Haha! No in fact I cut them after house tour. But my friend did pledge there and quit. So I heard lots of stories!! Trust me--I pledged a much better house with girls who actually care!!

By: Nice try
by: It's just the PiPhis    

PiPhis are notoriously jealous fiends and are always picking on GPB or someone.

By: It's just the PiPhis

The truth is that GPB is a well respected house. Likely you already know that. But after reading your comment I couldn't help but wonder why you would spread around gossip from a girl that didn't fit in a house and has an axe to grind. (Don't bother saying the house was horrible and she was perfect.) Please think before you post.

By: @nice try
by: Nice try   

Actually, I will tell you that is a great girl. Super sweet and rush by most of the top houses. Please don't try to smear her name for the sake of trying to lie about what everyone knows about GPhi. She was devasted when she quit but said she just couldn't stand the house anymore. I have known this girl for a long time and really want us to be in the same house. She chose GPhi because she knew a couple of girls and didn't know anyone in the house I chose. (A top house). When my mom talked to her mom she simply said "she pledged the wrong house and she knows that now".

By: Nice try
by: ^^   

I think I know who the girl is too, if I'm right, the girl is a great girl and she's super sweet!! But definitely would've been a better fit in another house, I was always a little confused that she went Gphi because she reminded me of a lot of girls I knew in a different house. Just because she would've fit better in another house doesn't mean Gphi is bad or the girl is bad, she just made the mistake of choosing her house because of friends she knew previously. If a PNM is reading this, trust the system!! It works!! I went in wanting a certain house and ended up with them on pref, and as much as I loved them I ended up choosing a house I felt more comfortable with. Choose a house based on how you feel, not previous ideas you had before rushing!!

By: ^^
by: 2 cents   

I come from the same small town in Oklahoma that had a girl quit GPhi but this was 3 or 4 years ago so I doubt if it is who you at taking about. Family friends from way back. Her experience may have been different. She had a great rush and was leaning towards a different house until pref night. She equated belonging to a house with emotion and so basically picked the house that made her cry the most. BIG MISTAKE!! The advise she gave me was to look at how the girls interact with their sisters. Eye opening. I cut GPhi after round 2. Very fake sisterhood. That's why she quit!!

By: 2 cents
by: Uhh..   

Sisterhoods change a lot throughout the years... If it was 3 or 4 years ago all of the girls/ almost all of the girls have graduated? Why are you judging a house off of girls that aren't even there anymore?

By: Uhh..
by: 2 cents   

Haha! That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm not judging the house based on her experience but on mine last year. I was passing on her advise--don't pledge a house based on emotion and how much you cry on pref night--make sure you look at the actual sisterhood in the house. When I followed her advice I didn't see that strong of a sisterhood.

By: 2 cents

Looks like some house is pi$$ed that GPB has so consistently been in the top two houses favored by PNMs. XO got the same treatment a while back. The houses struggling for new members are trying to make their houses more visible with a smear campaign which is really sad.

Bottom line - PNMs, don't get your information off this site and don't believe the gossip jealous girls spread. Find out for yourself. If you have a question about a house, ask a member of the house during recruitment - not someone who dropped out of greek life, never joined, or joined a different house. 99.9% of what you read on here is incorrect - the criticisms are written by bitter, jealous girls, and the praise is written by girls hoping to dupe you into making the wrong decision.

By: sad

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