


I really liked GPB during Greek Discovery Day, but I have heard several times that they always have to do COB in the spring because so many girls drop them every year. Why is that? Do they haze??

Posted By: JW
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It's not true. Somebody is lying to you because they hope to dissuade you from considering GPB during recruitment. No they don't haze. As far as I know no houses haze. Theta was the last one that did and that was probably five years ago.

Just so you'll know, you need to follow your heart in picking a house. People will gossip and tell you things that aren't true just to sway you. Don't believe them. Look at your own feelings.

By: ha ha

They didn't do COB this year, and the main reasons girls drop from any house is financial reasons. A lot of the girls I know in GPB Pah for their own dues, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was why. No, they don't haze. Neither does any other sorority on this campus. Unless you are actually a member of the house then don't assume anything or listen to anyone, because the majority of the time, it's a rumor made up by either a girl who's salty she didn't get a bid or from a girl who got cut.

By: That's false
by: true   

Many girls in all the houses have a job to pay their dues. It's just not that unusual. The dues are all about the same as are the drop out rates. I hate seeing comments that single out one house as having problems because we really don't have any houses like that at OSU.

By: true
by: Huh   

^ yes, all houses have girls that pay for their own dues, but I don't see how this comment is singling out GPB? Every house has girls that pay for their own dues. However, some dues may be harder to pay than others. For example, some girls may be paying their own tuition in addition to their dues, or may not feel that the money they make is worth the sorority. If they spend more time working to pay off their dues than they spend in the actual house, then the price might not be worth it to them. I just don't see how that was singling out GPB considering all houses go through this

By: Huh
by: @huh   

I think it sounds like she's singling out GPB as a house where either the dues are high or lots of girls are struggling financially. I agree that those situations apply to all the houses, but it does sort of single them out.

By: @huh

I had two friends who dropped them because there were so many mean girls in the house. They just honestly are getting to be just like PiPhi.

By: Well
by: come on.....   

This is getting ridiculous!!! I am in a different sorority, but everyone on campus knows this is a great house with great girls!

By: come on.....
by: Just saying   

In most houses, if a girl drops because everyone is "mean" to them, that girl usually did something to deserve it or something that brought it on. When you're stuck with the same 60 girls for 4 years, it's usually a lot better whenever people aren't bullying each other. Just saying :-)

By: Just saying
by: lol   

This is really funny because if you go here you know that the gamma phis are thought of as one of the very sweetest sororities. This entire thread looks like somebody trying to reduce the competition before recruitment next year. I could make a guess which house might be worried but I won't. ha ha ha!

By: lol

Somebody is trying to ruin G Phis reputation. I'm a sophomore and lots of friends who are G Phis. I can tell you that no one thinks of them as mean girls, in fact, they are one of the most well-liked houses at OSU. There is another house that has traditionally been the mean girl sorority and it's possible their strategy to change their image is to throw another house under the bus. Either way, it's just not true. I can't stand it when people lie about houses just to influence PNMs comeing into recruitment.

By: reality
by: ^   

Agree. PiPhis are known as the rude and mean- especially to their pnms. For the most part, most of the other houses have a friendly rep on campus.

By: ^

They don't really haze in the way that you mean. They are just really mean and cliquish and a lot of girls end up dropping because they feel like outsiders.

By: Hmmm
by: Hannah   

So true!!!

By: Hannah

I'm hoping they do participate in COB because I feel that would be a better option for me than traditional and I hear they are a great house.

By: Welll
by: Just saying   

JS, but even if they do have to do COB that does not guarantee you or anyone a bid. If I were you I'd go through fall recruitment, you have more options as to which houses you can rush and you have the chance to see the inside of every house and talk to someone, which you don't during COB.

By: Just saying

If you sign up for COB, you may never even get a call at all. Most COB spots are filled up with girls that are friends with members already. They don't have in even meet all the girls who have signed up.


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Gamma phi has the highest drop out rate. Their pledge class that will be upcoming seniors has less than 14 girls in it while other houses have near 50.

By: haha

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