
if you could do it over again

by: Rewind

Knowing what you know now, would you still have chosen to be in your fraternity or sorority?

If not, which one would you ideally have joined?

Posted By: Rewind
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#1  by: looks/beauty   

i wouldve gone to georgetown where there are no frats or sororities

By: looks/beauty
by: HowbowdisFeb 7, 2017 8:40:20 AM

Google Georgetown AEPi...

By: Howbowdis
by: KAT/KKG are too!Feb 11, 2017 2:05:58 PM

Kite and Key parties flourish at Georgetown, and have for several years. Kappa and Theta chapters have been allowed, but are officially unrecognized as a student group, by the university.

By: KAT/KKG are too!
#2  by: If i was to be honest   

Yes I would choose the same sorority because, as cliche as it sounds, it was the place where I was most comfortable with the conversations and where I felt i could genuinely be myself. I could change anything about rush, I would want to be more genuine everywhere because, at some houses, I felt like I was trying to make myself seem like someone they would want, and I tried to conform to what I thought they wanted me to be. I wish that I had just let go of the fear of their expectations and just talked as myself and not been as focused on trying to sound like what I believed they wanted. At least that way, I could truly get an understanding as to whether or not the house was for me. Though the cuts may have felt more personal then, I would at least know that if they did not see me as a fit for their organization, and, in all honesty, they know best because they know what they are looking for. If I could do it again, I would just be more fully myself, though I have no doubt that I would have still ended up in my house because I really do belong there and I love the people in it, even more now that I've had time to get to know them.

By: If i was to be honest
#3  by: meh   

I haven't really gotten anything out of my sorority so I probably would do a different house or just forego greek life altogether. While I have made certain friendships, I haven't gained a tremendous amount from being in my sorority. I have never been very happy in it though. Vanderbilt greek life in general is a lot worse than at most schools where you live in the house, have mixers with frats (this is a big thing that is lacking here and leads to greater cliquey-ness and lack of involvement and closeness in girl pledge classes). I wish the sorority experience at Vanderbilt was better because I would have really liked to have had the sorority experience that I see people at other schools having.

Vanderbilt is advertised as a perfect Greek school and I could not disagree more with this image...greek life here sucks. It's so strict now, the administration hates the greek system and there are virtually no parties ever, and as I said, no mixers. Pledge classes aren't that close, they're so cliquey and nobody really spends time at the houses. If you're looking for a genuine greek life experience, look elsewhere. Vanderbilt's disappoints.

I think the fraternity experience, however, is much more positive than the sorority one. Frats are just more involved with each other because boys don't mix across frats (like a Kappa Sig is gonna be friends with mostly Kappa Sigs, and a Sig Nu is gonna be friends with mostly Sig Nus) and instead spend more time as a collective group.

By: meh
#4  by: meh2   

I agree with 'meh' mostly. I am in year 2 with my house. I chose based on where I felt comfortable and can say that I have met a lot of great people. I am not sure my issue is so much a 'greek life' issue as a 'Vandy' issue as there is something about this place that doesn't seem as school spirit oriented as what some of my friends have at their schools with active greek life. Not sure if its the focus on academics here to the exclusion of social and friendship or just something else that results in a feeling of disconnection. Its hard to explain except in comparison to other schools where people love their academics but also are very involved on campus and with their houses. Maybe someone else can articulate this truly meh feeling I have overall here. I am involved in leadership in my house and am active on campus as well so saying what I am saying sounds strange. But I am not sure people here are as committed to their school as is the case at other places. I looked at the transfer stats and perhaps this is why people leave? Not sure what the answer is though...

By: meh2
by: meh2Feb 15, 2017 12:07:26 PM

To cousins, thanks for another perspective. I am not sure though that the academics reason explains it all. I have a sister at Duke and a brother at UVA. Both of those schools have solid and serious academics as well but there seems to be something else that sets these schools apart in terms of the connection of the students to the school (and this is regardless of whether a person is greek or not). I'm happy in my house but I'm transferring to Duke next year into a combo undergrad/grad program that I'm excited to have gotten into. But if I were happier here I would have waited and simply done the grad program after graduation from here. Even with the friends in the house here there is something thats missing in terms of sprit and connection to the school. Maybe once I'm away I will be able to articulate it differently. For now I am enjoying my friends and time here.

By: meh2
by: amateur sociologistFeb 15, 2017 12:42:39 PM

Seems like the school is in an awkward period of transition and just doesn't have a true identity. Not too long ago it was a party school for rich southern kids. Now they're trying to compete in the academic limelight, and the type of people coming here are way different. A lot of other ivies and duke/UVA have held the same role for a long time and know what they are. So there's no real "we're all in this together/traditions" feeling among the student body. The greek system here also kind of seems like it's halfway between things; it's not strong enough to create really powerful bonds between members (bc of 2nd sem rush, administration crackdown on activities, no living in houses, mixed friend groups), but it is strong enough to cut people off from each other and make them feel isolated(greek/nongreek divide, tier divide). All this combined with rampant grade deflation and the resulting anxiety from that, some kids end up feeling really lost/isolated.

By: amateur sociologist
#5  by: Well   

Don't use Greek rank to make decisions.
Don't take Greek life too seriously.
Understand Greek life at Vandy isn't like most SEC schools.

By: Well
by: meh2Feb 23, 2017 11:38:47 AM

@well...I agree with you just a bit...greek life is important to having some social life here and people seem to attach much value to 'tier' of the house. If 'tier' weren't important than why did so many people drop this year? Sad but true. The idea of all those poor fools sitting the dorms with minimal social life rather than joining a house makes little sense to me as we have good houses across the board!

By: meh2
by: WellApr 29, 2017 8:34:17 PM

Well said

By: Well
#6  by: out   

I would have chosen another school. I got the house I wanted and for the most part am happy. But the social scene here still isn't that great. The North/South divide is real and anyone who says it isn't is not being honest. Being here I truly wish that the South had been successful in its bid for succession...

By: out
#7  by: reframe   

It doesn't really matter what join. It's kind of anti-climatic once you realize nothing really is different except your letters.

By: reframe
#8  by: post-PNM   

100%. The only thing I wish I had done differently is went into rush with a more open mind and actually believed people when they told me to trust the process. No one I know had exactly the rush experience they expected or wanted, but literally everyone ended up in the perfect house for them and are really happy it worked out the way it did.

It's hard not to get your hopes set on one or two houses going in, and even if you think you are being realistic about your chances there you will still get cut if it's not the right fit - and that hurts. Just give the ones who ask you back a chance! I wasn't really considering my current sorority at the beginning of rush, but I'm literally in love with it now and couldn't picture myself anywhere else. Looking now at the ones I originally wanted, I'm glad they cut me because no way I would have been a good fit.

Rush sucks. Trust the process anyway.

By: post-PNM
by: FfMay 15, 2017 8:16:11 AM

I did not get asked back to my "ideal" choice of the perfect house for me. I was devastated, cried for hours but I didn't drop. I figured I came this far so just suck it up and finish. Not going to lie, I wasn't thrilled on bid day but I gave my house a chance and, with time (it did not happen over night) slowly began to appreciate my sorority. Now I can't ever think of being anywhere else. I agree that you should give houses that you didnt considered a chance but also, the appreciation does take time and there is work on your part to embrace what you have. If you don't it's your choice but you will miss such a wonderful experience.

By: Ff
#9  by: hi   

Another useful thread with solid heartfelt advice. Helpful.

By: hi
#10  by: @OP   

I would 100% have chosen my house. It was where I felt most comfortable, my top house before rush even started, and where I have met my best friends. I'm not on exec board or anything (no time for that), but I would recommend the experience to everyone. I chose this house because I thought it had the best sisterhood (was also between theta and chi o), and I haven't regretted a moment since.

By: @OP

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