
good stereotypes of sororitys

by: be nice lol

Best stereotypes of each sorority...

kappa- know how to have a great time out together, very stereotypically "cool" girls
theta- some really, really pretty naturally pretty girls
tri delt- very bubbly and socially capable
pi phi- fun, not as concerned with their "rank" and care more about enjoying life than focusing on appearances
kd- ok gonna be honest i dont really know any kds
chi o- sweethearts, involved on campus,
zeta- really dont recruit friend groups so they get a really cool mix of fun, interesting people
axo- have a lot of cool events and a lot of really nice girls
adpi- honestly dont really know any adpis either
aopi- great sisterhood, not necessarily as sororityty as other houses but really care about eachother

Posted By: be nice lol
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#1  by: 1   

kappa - hot and big partiers
theta - hot, blonde and rich
tri delt - blonde, cute, peppy, fun, involved
pi phi - fun, good drinkers, cute
kd - fun, diverse, involved, cute
chi o - genuine, christian, involved, smart
zeta - up and coming, blonde, mixed bag, peppy
axo - nice, diverse, smart, involved
adpi - peppy, genuine, smart, involved
aopi - genuine, close sisterhood, smart

By: 1
by: BreatheFeb 14, 2017 1:58:07 AM

@bb What's wrong with you that you have to hide behind a keyboard to put people down anonymously? So revealing about you and sad. I'm sorry this is your form of self-entertainment. My guess is you're not in a sorority because most sisters don't call each other rejects. If you understand recruitment you know that ranking for houses and PNMs is a numbers and computer matching game, not a rejects game. KD has a great PC. They are diverse, as are other houses, and that's a good thing.

By: Breathe
by: WowFeb 14, 2017 8:14:17 AM

Im sorry they cut you @bb, but with that hateful attitude I bet they all did.

By: Wow
#2  by: Nah   

Many of the stereotypes are recycled and most of the houses are mixed. Each has a variety of cool, awkward, genuine, rich, smart, partiers, cute, or involved girls. Vandy greek life is different from most SEC school in that sense. The student body is mixed resulting in mixed houses that rush and bid mixed pledge classes. Some of it is based on who you know from high school or how hard you tried in the fall. Some girls are cool, but some work hard to reinvent themselves since high school. Then you have the girls who are cool but really chill and not trying so hard, so they fly under the radar. This ends up in the houses having lots of variety.

By: Nah
by: LMAOFeb 8, 2017 11:04:38 PM

"but some work hard to reinvent themselves since high school"


#3  by: tbh   

Honestly it's getting harder to distinguish between some houses, especially toward the top. Kappa, Theta, Tri Delt, Phi Phi and KD are getting the most social and outgoing girls, and a lot of them are friends with each other. Kappa's the most consistent pc, but the rest are pretty mixed with lots of cross over. It's kind of hard to rank and stereotype some of these anymore. Even AXO and ADPi seem more similar to each other than different. Chi O, Zeta and AOPi seem to still be pretty distinguishable.

By: tbh
by: actuallyFeb 14, 2017 12:06:29 AM

@bb Kappa used to be more even more northeast/west coast and Theta more southern/southwest, but Kappa's been branching out and planting more roots while Theta let a few belle's slip through and not just to Kappa, but also to Tri Delt and Pi Phi. It will be interesting to see how this year's less stereotypical pcs impact next year's rush as those girls rush their friends. Much more spread out then usual.

By: actually
by: @actuallyFeb 14, 2017 12:33:12 AM

Nice try Pi Phi. You're not that good

By: @actually
by: haFeb 14, 2017 1:30:40 AM

Nice try yourself. They're actually ALL that good. All of the houses, ALL of the sisters. And in real life they actually ALL really like each other. Why is a factual comment that so many strong southern girls went in multiple directions this year so threatening and why does that evoke such rebuke? It has been a stereotype of Theta's and it's changing, and it's on point as far as the topic of the post. Seriously, it's going to be ok. Wear your letters with pride and let other too. It's not really a competition.

By: ha
by: hiFeb 15, 2017 12:11:16 PM

@Ha...loved your comment! I wish you could have been a recruitment counselor and explained your POV to some of the people in my dorm. Most of the people here thought there were only 3 houses. Sad.

By: hi
#4  by: hi   

@Ha...I thought your POV on Theta was on point too. But I wonder why it takes so long to change or why the whole north/south divide still is here in 2017? I'm from the north and honestly have felt like a visitor to mars on so many levels since I got here. I've been in the system now 3 years but based on when I went through recruitment there was no way I would have felt comfortable at theta as it was totally southern. I've seen the change you mentioned with Theta but I think the stereotype does still sadly hold. I'm happy that some so called southern girls went in other directions this year. Maybe people just want to be surrounded by people like themselves? I'm not sure. But, I have to say that other houses are much more diverse than Theta and I think thats a credit to those houses that embrace diversity. In my mind based on what I've seen, Theta is the sorority equivalent of KA (at least in the south) and all that entails. Sad but true especially given its 2017.

By: hi
by: yippeFeb 16, 2017 1:45:16 AM

@hi all I can say is BLESS YOU for calling out the belles at Theta. This issue has been around for so long and while other houses have been evolving the Thetas consistently choose to remain the same. I wish the house would remember what happened to the dinosaurs! Seriously though its sad that we have to even face these issues at all. I hope next year more PNMS continue to support houses that in turn support diversity and that Theta continues to lose great PNMs like they did this year. It will take time but eventually things will change if enough people vote with their feet!

By: yippe
by: LMAOFeb 18, 2017 3:18:13 AM

You totally sound like one person talking to themselves. Nice try pi phi trying to fit into the top 3. You're not that good some of your juniors like jconrad are such losers

by: AwwFeb 18, 2017 8:52:05 AM

@lmao and you sound like a sad person posting over and over to make sure nothing interferes with your own need for validation. How old are you that you need to put others down to feel better about yourself? Please relax. No one's making any statements here that should upset or surprise anyone. Why does it matter to you that there are more houses that PNMs actually pref? And names? Really? Feel better now? Step away from your device and try to play well with others. You're taking this a little too seriously.

By: Aww
#5  by: Wow   

So much for trying to keep things nice. Breathe people. All the houses are amazing. Theta does Theta and that's great. Kappa got a very consistent pledge class and that's great also. Tri Delt and KD got diverse, wonderful girls in their pledge classes. Pi Phi doesn't care. Chi O does Chi O and they really like each other. Zeta and the Alphas are wonderful houses also. I have friends in all of them. Let's be nice and enjoy our houses!

By: Wow

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