Vanderbilt University - VU Greek Life Reviews

Vanderbilt University - VU 21 3.63
  • Total Reviews: 21
  • Overall Grade:B-

Greek Life Report Card

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population:Large
  • Gender Ratio:More Girls
  • Hazing:Average
  • Competition:More Selective
  • 21 Reviews
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Vanderbilt University - VU 4.0 Bruh
By: Remy26Posted:


  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.0 Fun School
By: jzPosted:

Fun School

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Average
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.5 Greek life has definitely fallen off over the years but there still is some good to it. OGL is trying kill it off, and it will probably succeed in this in the next 5-10 years. However, Greek life is still great fun, nice parties and tailgates and is overall a great community. I have met a lot of people through Greek life and believe the process is very fair. Definitely try and meet each house before deciding which is best for you
By: nope Posted:

Greek life has definitely fallen off over the years but there still is some good to it. OGL is trying kill it off, and it will probably succeed in this in the next 5-10 years. However, Greek life is still great fun, nice parties and tailgates and is overall a great community. I have met a lot of people through Greek life and believe the process is very fair. Definitely try and meet each house before deciding which is best for you

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: More Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.5 Come and find out
By: YerPosted:

Come and find out

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: More Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.3 Um, their parties are eh. Just a lot of edm music, remixes with horrible beat drops, and cheap beer. Lots of jumping, which looks dumb. Crowded. I'm a straight girl, but i have no problem saying the girls are way hotter than the guys. 10x hotter. The girls are so hot, omg, it blows my mind. The guys are eh. They look like your typical frat guys: privileged, rich white business/econ majors. The only time I see them on campus is late at night when they're going to go party or in the middle of the day doing yet another fundraiser that's just going to go to themselves or another frat/sorority. I rarely see them do anything for the community. And they're racist. Keep in mind, this is mainly the PHC frats and sororites. The NPHC, now THAT'S a different story. The Divine 9, the black frats and sororities are a bit better. Parties are great. The girls AND the guys are hot most of the time. They play good music, there's no power hungry frat guys yelling at the partyers, no one's splashing beer on everyone. It's great. They are actively involved in campus life, and I see a lot of fundraising and community service when it comes to them. So yeah, abolish the Panhellenic frats and sororities, but the NPHC greek orgs should stay.
By: Yuh Get Into ItPosted:

Um, their parties are eh. Just a lot of edm music, remixes with horrible beat drops, and cheap beer. Lots of jumping, which looks dumb. Crowded. I'm a straight girl, but i have no problem saying the girls are way hotter than the guys. 10x hotter. The girls are so hot, omg, it blows my mind. The guys are eh. They look like your typical frat guys: privileged, rich white business/econ majors. The only time I see them on campus is late at night when they're going to go party or in the middle of the day doing yet another fundraiser that's just going to go to themselves or another frat/sorority. I rarely see them do anything for the community. And they're racist. Keep in mind, this is mainly the PHC frats and sororites. The NPHC, now THAT'S a different story. The Divine 9, the black frats and sororities are a bit better. Parties are great. The girls AND the guys are hot most of the time. They play good music, there's no power hungry frat guys yelling at the partyers, no one's splashing beer on everyone. It's great. They are actively involved in campus life, and I see a lot of fundraising and community service when it comes to them. So yeah, abolish the Panhellenic frats and sororities, but the NPHC greek orgs should stay.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: More Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.5 Good for a private school.
By: VuPosted:

Good for a private school.

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: More Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 4.8 yea
By: truePosted:


  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Large
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Very Common
  • Selection: Very Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 4.3 kt sucks
By: momPosted:

kt sucks

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Average
Vanderbilt University - VU 3.0 Plush
By: Children of GodPosted:


  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Small
  • M/F Ratio: Equal
  • Hazing: Less Common
  • Selection: Less Selective
Vanderbilt University - VU 4.5 🤷🏻‍ ♀️
By: rosePosted:

🤷🏻‍ ♀️

  • Housing:
  • Involvement:
  • Social Scene:
  • Looks:
  • Population: Average
  • M/F Ratio: More Girls
  • Hazing: Average
  • Selection: Very Selective



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