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Jesus, dphie is becoming panhel's biggest problem. and here's why. 1. DZ is known as the prettiest, and arguably 3/4 of dphie's pc14 is bitter they didn't get them during recruitment. so for the last year, dphie has raged war on dz (do you hate them or want to be them? I'm confused). all its done is make them look jealous. 2. dphie spends so much time trying to outshine and compete with phi sig just to get the "coveted" number 2 spot, but it's backfired. phi sig has the confidence (no matter how annoying) and the presence inside and outside of Greek life to have earned number 2. 3. Axid has something that dphie cannot fake. theyve shed the insecurity that comes along with being a new chapter, and they've developed a confidence and sisterhood that can't be rivaled (did you see them at Greek week?). crazy how they've been here for so short of a time and are still better at being themselves than dphie is. This isn't meant to attack the entire chapter. dphie was once known for their down to earth girls with the best personalities. it's just unfortunate that they've shifted their focus to becoming "hot" and ruined themselves in the process.
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